Chapter 14

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Matt and I sat in a comfortable silence on the seven minute drive to school. He didnt ask anything but how I was. I worked up the urge to say im 'ok' but, of course he didnt believe me. I suck at lying.

Honestly I found myself regretting breaking up with Mason, but then again I'm not. He needs to know that im not a push over. Telling me that im not tk see Matt was extremely low.

I just hate when guys are jealous!

They can be such assholes.

"So, um Angie you doing anything tomorrow night?" Matt asked. Oh please dont be asking me out. You know how rude that is! I mean seriously I just got out of a relationship not to long ago, and hes already asking me out! "I mean not as a date or anything, calm down Angie. We just uh need to hang out. Catch up ya know?"

Ow wow. Thats embarrassing. Here Matt is trying to be nice and im acting like. A total bitch! I release my grip on the sides of the seat amd look up at the rear view mirror. Sure enough my face was red with anger.

"Sorry. its just, you know he and I just broke up and...." I began rambling on until Matt put hand over my mouth while chuckling.

"What." I whined muffling into his hand.

"I know your having a bad time with this situation, I would never ask you out after a nasty brake up. What kind of jerk do yoh think I am?" he said smiling as he pulled up into the school parking lot.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Im just under some stress. Sorry Matt."

"No worries Angie, ive been in your place before." He said hopping out.

"Ooo can you tell me?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe later, its a long storry."

"I like long stories." I whined. God I'm nosy.

He looks at me for a second, an unknown look flashes through his eyes before he looks away from me.

I place a hand on his shoulder, "Um Matt, its ok im sorry. I shouldn't be so pushy, you can tell me when you want to. Or if you never want to...I guess that's ok too..." Honestly, I was really hoping he would change his mind and end up telling me.

"Thank you. Angie, you're different than I thought you would be when I saw you again. You're much more... happy?"

I know why im happy, im no longer being abused.

"I'm feeling better. going really well for me is all." I smile. He nods his head with a smile as well.


Once I get out of class, I'm hopping up and down, Matt has been making me happy all day, so weird. I'm never this happy...

I stop in my tracks when I see Matt and Mason arguing. Oh shoot.

"Hey, um Matt what are you doing?" I whisper in his ear. I look at Mason from the corner if my eye, he looks at me and Matt and in disgust.

What crawled up his butt?

"He's mad at me from 'taking you away from him'" Matt quoted.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a huge breath. "Mason. We're not together amymore. Get it through your head. I don't 'let it go' when people tell me what to do. That's not the kind of person I am. So... I hope you learn from it. Not much people like thay kind of thing." I said smoothly trying not to yell.

Mason shakes his head, but just as he was about to argue, Matt speaks up "Mason would you get your head out of your ass, and listen? She doesn't want you any more so just give it the freak up and leave!"

Soon enough a fist is flying and I'm jumping in front of it.


Hello readers!

sorry for the late/ short chapter of the book, I've had a lot of things on my mind, trying to get through school, and manage sports at the same time × wattpad is hard.

Anyway I want to give Louise_310702 for being such an amazing fan of this book

Lots of ♥ to you :) thank you so much.

And thanks to whoever out there is also fanning my book lots of ♥ to you too


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