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Ok now my makeup. I thought after finishing straightening my long brown hair. Tonight I was in my hometown for my twenty-first birthday. My best friend known as Jessica from high school is dragging me to a night in the club to celebrate. She already turned twenty one like four or so months ago and can't wait to introduce me to the life of alcohol in a whole 'new expeirence' is the way she put it.

I mean this should be fun right? Bunch of drunk, sweaty bodies grinding each other to the pulp. Yah I doubt it. Like highly doubt it. Partying just isn't my thing, but hey. I'm fucking twenty-one.

When I'm done curling my eyelashes and lathering them in dark mascara, I go call Jess to pick me up. "Hey hey hey sista from anotha mista. I've been waiting for your call. Are you in town?"

"Actually I am and I'm ready come pick me up!"

"What the fuck?! Why didn't you call me? I would have come and help you with your makeup and shit. Dammit. Anyways I'll be out front of the hotel in five be ready!" I was left with the buzzing of the dead line.

I stuck my phone in my back pocket of my skinny jeans and went out to meet Jessica.

"Shot! Shot! Shot!" People's voices were booming in the club as all eyes were on me to take me first shot as a twenty year old. Yeah, how did every one know it was my birthday? Ask Jessica. I knew like no one in here. Some I feel like I recognize from high school, but im not sure.

I swallowed my pride and took the nasty-ass shot. "Whoooh Ang!" Jessica screamed from beside me. I could tell she was already buzzed. "Lets dance-"

"After I buy her a shot." I turn around to look at who said that.

"M-mason?" He smiled. But didn't say anything. He turned to the bartender.

"Four shots. Two of Rum and two of Skyy Vodka." He nodded his head and held out his hand Mason handed him money along with his ID.

"Hey beautiful, wanna dance?" Jessica's fAce turned read as she took a very hot looking guys hand, as he lead her to the dance floor.

"So what the occasion. Haven't seen you in a few years." I turn me attention back to Mason.

"My birthday it's nice to see you."

"Happy birthday." He handed me a shot of Rum and Skyy Vodka. I took the vodka first. My eyes watered as the burning liquid made its way down my throat. "Are you ok?"

I nodded. "Yah, fine. Just not used to drinking. I stuck with studying instead of partying. 'Bout one of the only ways to graduate there."

"Good. I'm proud of you. Your a smart girl, Angie." I cracked a smile. Awkward came over quite quickly after that.

"Dance with me, Mason Carter." I took my other shot before grabbing and leading him to the dance floor. Almost instantly he was right behind me, dancing on the backside of my body. I couldn't help but notice how our bodies felt so right stuck together.

Mason out his hands on my hips moving them against him to the beat of the song. I closed my eyes and took in the moment, I blocked out everything, every person in the room, the song playing, I just focused my attention on the only thing I was interest in, Mason.

"More shots?!" I yelled over the booming music to Mason. He quickly nodded taking me through the crowd of people.


I cut him off, "Six shots of Vodka." I pulled money from my pocket and handed to to the tender. "I'm buying you a drink." He smiled before taking his shot. I too took mine. One after another.

And I will say it now, I. Am. So. Shitfaced. I have no idea on how may shots I took, I lost track after seven or eight.

All I know is that right now I'm standing in front of Masons apartment as he fumbles with his keys looking for the correct one.

When we finally got in, Mason led me to the bed room.

"You sure you want to do this, were fucking faded Ang."

"I'm single, your single. There's nothing to lose. Now come on let's do this." He chuckled as I slurred the last part. Mason charged up to me, gripping my thighs, and hooking my legs around his waist before pushing us against a wall.

"Hey Ang?" He growled into me eat.


"I WILL love you for always you know that right? I never stopped."

"Yah bad boy, I know."


It's over. Really, that's it. It only took me like a fricken year almost to accomplish this. I probably couldve finished earlier if I hadn't procrastinated it.

I would write a long 'ol Authors note about my fans and how much I appreciate people reading this book, but ill save it. People don't read authors notes, they're just there.

But really I love my readers, thank you. Sooner or later a new book will be uploaded or two. I want to try a different genre tho.

Anyways peace out


Start date: June 11th 2014

End date: April 4th 2015

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