Chapter 58-Frat Party prt.2

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Jax's outfit^

We finally made it, there was loud bass music, drunk kids, lots of red cups everywhere, flashing random colors everywhere, I can pretty sure that I could smell drugs and alcohol.
"Holy shit!" Riley exclaimed over the loud music.
"Let's go have some fun!" I yelled back. We walked to the dance floor and danced.
After we danced and drank for 50 min one of the guys drag me away from Riley to a room where people were smoking pot or something.
"Hey dude!" A guy named Miles yelled over the music
"What do you guys want!" I yelled back.
"This." a guy walked towards to me and hit me in the face, causing me to black out.

Riley's p.o.v

After a while of dancing and drinking, a couple of guys took Jax away from me, probably taking shots of strong alcohol, I don't know, I was having fun till a girl asked me to follow her. She grabbed my hand and dragged me into a small room with a bed and a lamp.
"Surprise bitch." I see Bella standing on the other side on the room. Shit.
"Why am I here." I try to leave, but the girl pushed me onto the ground.
"This is what you get for telling my ex, that I was cheating on him." Bella picked me up my pulling my hair. I pushed her and tried to get the girl out of my way of the exit, but it didn't happen, instead Bella pulled my hair from behind and pulled me onto the ground, I groaned.
Bella started kicking my stomach, I groaned in pain.
I grabbed her feet and pulled, to cause her to fall, the other girl got on top of me and started punching me and bashing my head on the hard wooden floor. I screamed, I couldn't help it, I felt fucking horrible, my stomach hurts, my head, and my save was cut up by the girls rings on her finger.
"Come on, she's weak." Bella tapped on the girls shoulder as she got off of me. I was shaking horribly and I was hurting so bad. I started whimpering and crying, I was weak, I couldn't get up.
After a few minutes, a guy came in, he has dark skin, black hair, that goes to his ears.
"Jesus, are you okay?" He helped me up and place me on the bed.
"I heard screams up here, and I wondered what it was." the handsome guy sat next to me.
I was shivering, I wanted Jax or Kevin, anybody I know.
"Your okay now." he held me in his muscular arms.
"I-I'm Riley." I stuttered over the shaking.
"I'm Finn." the guy smiled, comforting me.
"Now will you tell me what happen." he was concerned.
I shook my head and cried more harder.
"Sorry, I shouldn't asked." he held me, I was crying in his arms, I felt really terrible, I wanted to be comforted.
After a few minutes, I finally calmed down.
"I hope your okay." Finn took a little closer look at my face.
"I'm fine." I sniffed. Suddenly the door barged open, it was Kevin.
I started crying agian because I was relieved it was him.
"Jesus Riley you okay?" Kevin hugged me then held me by my shoulders.
"Who did this?" He asked looking at Finn.
He let go of me and grabbed Finn and pushed him against the wall.
"Kevin please." I plop into the bed.
"Did you do this!" Kev yelled into Finn's face.
"N-no I swear, I found her like this." Finn rose his arms for defeat.
"Is he telling the truth?" Kevin asked me looking at me as he hold him against the wall. I sat up and nodded.
Kev let go of him and shook his hand.
"Sorry." he hit his arm a little.
"That's fine." Finn nodded.
I was exhausted, hurt and I wanted to go home.
"Come on Riley." Kevin grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room, we walked downstairs, everyone was still partying, some were acting dumb, and some were breaking stuff and getting drunk.
"Where's Jax!" Kev yelled over the music and he noise.
I looked around, I see Emily, I walked towards her.
"Emily where's Jax?" I yelled over the music.
"I saw him with a couple of guys and disappear." I thanked her for telling me and walked back to Kevin crying.
"It's okay we will find him." Kevin hugged me and walked me out of that place, I kept looking around to find him, but no where to be found. What if he's dead, what if he is getting hurt or something, I wanted him so badly.
Kevin helped me into his car. I saw Jax's car, he has to be here, but he's not, maybe he was drunk or something and one of the guys took him home, so he won't drunk and drive or something like that.
I looked out the window.
We finally made it to Kev's dorm but Jax was not here.
"Where is he!" I screamed while I was crying.
"I'm sure he's okay." Kevin hugged me as comfort me, I love Kevin and Jax too, Kevin is my favorite person as a friend, I feel like he's my brother or something, I really adore Kevin, we have been friends since 5th grade, I kept him happy because his friend Jax was being homeschooled during that time.
"Thanks." I calmed myself down, I took deep breaths.
"Why don't you go ahead and sleep here tonight till Jax shows up or something." Kev looked into my eyes, I nodded.
He puts me on Jax's bed, takes my shoes off and lays me down.
"He'll be back, I promise." Kev sat on his bed.
"I'll watch you tonight." he looked at me, he's pretty protective, he'll do anything to keep me safe or any other girl.
I am thankful for Jax and his friends because they are so nice and awesome.
I closed my eyes and sleep, hopefully Jax will be here in the morning, hopefully.

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