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Jisung stepped out from the inside of the airport, hurriedly catching Chenle’s hand with his free one. Chenle turned back and gave him a reassuring smile. They had just landed from their flight, and Chenle said his mom had come to pick them up. Truth be told, Jisung was pretty nervous to be meeting Chenle’s mother again. She was a very sweet lady who doted on him just like she would for her own son, but he didn’t know if Chenle had told her what changed between them.

“Chenle,” Jisung said worriedly, and Chenle stopped to look at him. “Did you, um, tell your mom about how we’re together…?”

Chenle broke into a grin. “Of course!” he said, seeming satisfied. “She said she’s delighted to greet you this time as my boyfriend.”

Jisung breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, good -- I was just, y’know, worried she wouldn’t be okay with it.”

Chenle rolled his eyes. “My family loves you,” he reminded Jisung, and Jisung distinctly recalled the last time he had met Chenle’s parents and how well they treated him.

“Right,” Jisung said.

Chenle stopped Jisung in front of a fancy-looking car that probably cost more than Jisung’s house ever would. The drivers’ side door opened and Chenle’s mom popped out, looking excited.

“媽,好久沒見! (Mom, long time no see!)” Chenle said excitedly in Mandarin, giving her a hug.

After they separated, his mom gave Jisung a friendly smile. “Jisung!” she said, and opened her arms for a hug. Jisung accepted it and his mom gave him a couple friendly pats on the back. “I haven’t seen you a long time!”

Jisung nodded, feeling shy.
Chenle’s mom gave him a look. “It’s great to be able to see you this time all grown up and as my son's boyfriend,” she said warmly. “You’re so handsome and tall now!”

Jisung could feel his embarrassment creeping up. Chenle rested a hand around Jisung’s waist, gently guiding him towards putting their luggage away. “Mom, you’re so embarrassing,” Chenle complained lightly, and his mom only laughed, returning back into the driver’s side.

Jisung and Chenle were comfortably seated in the back seats after loading their luggage, knees knocking against each other lightly, causing Chenle to let out a giggle. He rested his hand on Jisung’s knee in a weak attempt to get it to stop bumping against his own, making the warmth emanate from his touch.

“Your legs are too long,” Chenle said lightheartedly.

“Sorry,” Jisung mumbled, and Chenle only shook his head to dismiss the apology.

“How have you been, Jisung?” Chenle’s mom asked, giving them a quick glance through the front mirror.

“Pretty good, Ms. Zhong,” Jisung answered.

“Have you been treating Chenle right?” she asked teasingly, and Jisung’s shyness crept up again.
Chenle gave Jisung’s thigh a squeeze.

“You know how he is, mom,” Chenle answered for him.
Chenle’s mom laughed.

“Of course, your so-called handsome prince would never treat you wrong,” she said. “I have trust in this Jisung that’s been the apple of my son’s eye since forever.”

Jisung frowned a bit. Well, he had hurt Chenle before. Before he could delve too deep in his thoughts, Chenle’s bright laugh took his focus away.

“Stop exposing me, mom,” Chenle protested, and Jisung couldn't help mirroring Chenle's smile.

Chenle caught his eyes and smiled even wider, leaning over to boop Jisung's nose. "Are you excited to come to my house for the first time in a while?" Chenle asked, busying himself with rubbing circles on Jisung's knee.

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