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Donghyuck dragged Chenle into their dorm after Jisung and Mark dropped them off, and Chenle almost cried out in protest.

"Alright, Chenle," Donghyuck said, with somewhat of a mischievous glint in his eyes. Chenle felt a little wary. "When are you gonna finally tell Jisung how you feel about him now that you guys are finally not feuding like dumb little kids?"

Chenle sighed. He should've known Donghyuck wouldn't let him live it down. "We're best friends, Hyuck," he said, exasperated. "If I tell him now, who's to say our friendship might be over?"

Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "You literally just forgave him for something that was dumb as heck. If he breaks things off with you just because you like him then you should just forget about him." Donghyuck paused in thought. "Plus, I don't think Jisung is that type of person."

"I'm happy just being best friends with him," Chenle said.

Donghyuck peered at a phone notification. "Well, Mark just said he's fairly sure Jisung has a thing for you."

Chenle's jaw dropped. "You told Mark?" he asked incredulously.

"I didn't even need to tell Mark and he knew. I mean, I bet even Jaemin and them figured it out," Donghyuck pointed out, and Chenle knew he had a point.

"Ugh, can you and Mark just get together and forget about me?" Chenle asked dismissively.

"This isn't about me, but sure," Donghyuck said.

"Wait, really?" Chenle's eyes widened. Did Donghyuck just agree to ask Mark out?

Donghyuck scrunched his eyebrows. "Well, I guess, if I do it, you better do it too," Donghyuck compromised.

Chenle shook his head. "No freaking way."

Donghyuck shrugged. "If you won't do it then I'll just tell Jisung myself."

Chenle stared at Donghyuck. "What is wrong with you?"

Donghyuck feigned innocence. "Just trying to help out a friend," he said curtly, and smiled. "Don't worry, Chenle. I have trust in you."

"Such trust makes me feel so much better," Chenle scoffed sarcastically.

Donghyuck patted Chenle on the back. "Look, if Jisung owned up and told you what his issue was, I think you shouldn't hold this back. It'll make you feel worse."

Chenle sighed. Donghyuck never went back on his word -- if he really asked out Mark then he would tell Jisung too, if Chenle didn't. "So, how are you going to ask Mark out?" Chenle asked.

Donghyuck froze. "I...didn't think about that."

Chenle rolled his eyes. "You're so dumb sometimes, Hyuck."

"Yo, shut up!"


Over the next few days, Chenle helped Donghyuck brainstorm a good way to confess to Mark. Although Chenle sort of felt the impending doom of his own confession, he was glad to help Donghyuck now.

Chenle had also let Jisung in on the plan, and he also helped out a bit. Currently, they were situated around a corner near Professor Jung's classroom, whereas Donghyuck was pacing nervously around in the open. Behind Donghyuck's back was a small, red rose, hidden.

Mark was about to come out from his class, so Donghyuck shot Chenle and Jisung nervous looks before students started streaming out of the class.

"How much do you bet Hyuck will mess up?" Jisung asked Chenle.

"A lot," Chenle responded, trying to keep a rising laugh from emerging.

Chenle watched intently as Mark spotted Donghyuck. It was really obvious that Mark loved seeing Donghyuck, as his smile grew significantly larger. "Mark is so whipped," Chenle murmured.

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