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A couple weeks later, Chenle was leaving his English class when a body slammed into him from the back, making him almost fall.

"Jisung..." Chenle said, trying to make himself sound threatening, but he didn't think it worked because Jisung still appeared next to him unfazed and smiley.

"I'm excited for you to come watch me," Jisung said.

Chenle hadn't had the time to go support Jisung at his dance practices as he was quite busy with the work piling up, and he had finally gotten a little bit of free time to go watch Jisung at one of them.

"You better show me something good," Chenle said as they walked towards the dance building. "I'll leave in the middle if you don't."

"Don't worry, our competition is coming up soon, so me and my partner are working really hard to make sure it's good," Jisung assured.

As they went inside, Chenle greeted Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun, who were conversing with each other. There were three other people dancing in the room, all of them seemingly doing pretty complex routines.

"What are you guys doing here?" Chenle asked them.

"Just going through all our routines before the comp," Renjun answered. "Come, Jisung still needs to show us his."

Chenle took the typical spot on the couch and watched as Jisung walked up to one of the girls practicing by herself.

"Oh, are they partners?" Chenle asked.

"Yup," Renjun said. "She's Yeri, one of our best dancers on the team and she happened to be available most of the times Jisung is, so it's a perfect match."

Chenle nodded, and watched as Jisung and Yeri started their practice.

Although it wasn't a serious performance, Chenle was left in awe when they both finished and gave them both little claps of appreciation.

"That was really good," Jeno said. "There's just this small part where your angles could be a little cleaner, Yeri, let me show you."

Jisung walked over to Chenle and Renjun as Jeno started teaching Yeri. "So, what'd you think?"

Chenle gave him a thumbs up. "It was really good," he said. "Am I allowed to come watch the competition? I want to see the real deal."

"Of course," Renjun said. "I happened to get it hosted at our campus, which is really convenient. It's two days from now, on Friday."

"So quick," Chenle noted. "I'll come watch for sure. I want to see you dancing too!"

"Bring us some good food afterwards," Jaemin said, leaning over and breaking his concentration from advising the other dancers.

"Chenle's rich enough to bring a whole catering service for us," Renjun said. "Don't worry Chenle, just some snacks for us during break is good too."

"Understood, captain," Chenle said, saluting.

"Alright Jisung, go through it with Yeri a couple more times and I think you're free to leave," Jeno said, returning back to his original spot.

When Jisung and Yeri resumed, he couldn't think of how Jeno managed to find something wrong with it.

Jisung really was amazing.


Two days later, Chenle entered the building where the competition was going to be held along with Donghyuck and Mark, who had also come to watch with him.

"I'm going to go find Jisung backstage, okay?" Chenle told them. "Save me a spot."

Donghyuck nodded and the two of them merged into the crowd, whereas Chenle spotted the door to the backstage and opened it gently.

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