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" won't forget me, will you?"


"Remember me."

"I will. Forever."


Chenle laughed loudly as he entered his first class of the day. Donghyuck, his precious sunshine of a friend, had just told a really funny joke.

It was the first day of a new school year and Chenle's first day at uni.

Chenle felt really fortunate he had Donghyuck by his side to guide him through, as Donghyuck was a year ahead of him.

Chenle and Donghyuck took a seat near the middle, setting down their things. Chenle took a moment, absorbing the new, university environment.

"I'm so glad you also got into SM University. I don't know what I would've done having to deal with the rest of those dumbasses by myself," Donghyuck said, referring to the rest of their friends.

"I worked really hard just for you, Donghyuck," Chenle murmured.

Such was true, as SM University was easily one of the most prestigious universities in their area.

Donghyuck cooed. "Aw, that's so cute."

Chenle groaned, swatting Donghyuck's incoming fingers aimed to pinch his cheeks.

Out of the corner of his eye, Chenle saw a familiar figure walk into the classroom.

Suddenly pausing his movements, Chenle completely turned his gaze towards the said person.

Donghyuck, confused as to why Chenle had stopped his usually adamant protesting, followed his gaze to the front of the classroom.

"Holy shit," Donghyuck said, almost out of breath. "Is that--"

"Park Jisung," Chenle finished, his eyes unwavering. "Yes. Yes, it is."


Hello everyone!! I hope you enjoy this book. It's mostly fluffy (I'm not a big fan of angst) but I kind of wrote the entire thing on a whim when I was really stressed for no big reason. I had this idea for a while but never really wrote about it until I thought about the best friend dynamic that is Chensung/Chenji/Jichen!!

Anyways it's a bit of a ride so please enjoy 🥰

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