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Jisung woke the next morning, with Chenle still fast asleep. Jisung smiled softly, feelings of regret for his actions still laced in with his thoughts. He was truly fortunate to have someone as forgiving as Chenle. Chenle never blamed him for his faults.

Jisung felt the first few tears slip from his eyes and drip onto the bed. He hadn't cried over this issue, as much as he used to cry over everything else. Jisung tried to keep his tears silent, but he still saw Chenle sleepily open his eyes and make eye contact with him.

"Why are you crying?" Chenle asked him, voice heavy with sleepiness.

"I just can't help but think I did so much wrong, but you're still here," Jisung explained, trying to wipe his tears.

Chenle frowned. "Jisung, I'll always be here for you. Whenever you have a problem, just tell me, okay?"

Jisung nodded.

"Now stop crying," Chenle demanded lightly, wiping Jisung's tears with the edge of his sleeve.

Jisung felt his heart pounding as Chenle looked at his face to make sure there weren't any more lingering tears.

Jisung took a deep breath. He felt this way before around Chenle, so fluttery and happy.

Jisung shook his head. No, he was just appreciating Chenle even more for being such a good friend to him.

"What's up?" Chenle asked quizzically, confusion evident on his face.

"Nothing," Jisung said quickly, and Chenle raised an eyebrow before turning over and checking his phone by the nightstand.

Jisung shifted so that his head was lying on Chenle's shoulder and gave a look at what Chenle was looking at on his screen.

"They're asking me if I accepted your apology," Chenle informed him, and Jisung nodded to show that he was listening.

Hyuck: so how was it?????

Me: kicked him out

Nana: what I thought I was the one that was drunk not you

Hyuck: but why what happened

Me: I just hate his guts u kno

Jisung giggled a bit at their gullible demeanors and snuggled deeper into Chenle's neck, ignoring the strange feelings again.

Hyuck: gdi you're lying aren't you

Hyuck: bet ten cents Jisung is next to you right now

Nana: injun and jeno both bet extra 10 cents so they say

Me: sorry guess y'all caught me

Hyuck: oh christ are you asking for me to get a heart attack

Me: sorry hyuck :( compensation hang out today?

Hyuck: you know it

Nana: so what

Hyuck: we eating hotpot tonight kids and that's an order

Me: fine by me

Jisung peeked out of the corner of his eye at the chat. "I wanna go too," he murmured.

"You're invite-"

Jisung heard Chenle gasp and turned his head to barely be able to read part of Donghyuck's last message that said something like: chenle what are you going to do about your-

Chenle turned off his phone in a heartbeat and sighed heavily.

"What happened?"

"They just were being inappropriate. You know them," Chenle said dismissively, and sat up. "Come on, I'm going to go make some breakfast and then we can go to hotpot later."

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