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Two days later, Chenle entered the same classroom of Professor Jung with Donghyuck by his side.

Chenle secretly searched for Jisung (for this they came really early), but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

Disappointed, he sat down at the same seat that they took the other time with Donghyuck, sighing.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "You act like you're on your last limbs, Chenle."

"I am," Chenle said dramatically. "I've already wasted 4 years of my life waiting for that fool."

"Are you calling me a fool?" came a voice from the left of Chenle.

Chenle was quick to turn his head, his eyes widening at Jisung standing there.

"Jisung...?" Chenle questioned, as he couldn't believe his eyes. Maybe that bad feeling he had the other day was just a false alarm after all.

Jisung smiled warmly, and Chenle could feel his eyes getting a little watery. He also felt like he couldn't move from all the emotions flooding him. He somehow felt more turbulent now just after looking at Jisung.

"Aren't you gonna say something to me, Chenle?" Jisung asked teasingly.

Chenle rushed and threw his arms around Jisung, reveling in the warmth. Jisung was taller now, to the point where Chenle's face fit into Jisung's shoulder instead of the other way around.

"I missed you a lot," Chenle said, his voice muffled by Jisung's shoulder.

"Me too," Jisung said, rubbing Chenle's back.

When they separated, Chenle couldn't help but smile wider. "Hey Park Jisung! You better tell me what the hell is going on with you and why you're here."

Jisung nodded. "Give me your number, and we can keep in touch."

Chenle handed over his phone, allowing Jisung to type in his contact and vice versa.

Although considerably at ease now, Chenle eyed Jisung. "Are we...still best friends?"

Jisung smiled widely. "Chenle, we'll always be best friends."

Upon hearing this, Chenle felt a bit giddy inside and hugged Jisung again. "You're so so cute, I'm going to cry."

"Cute? Haven't I gotten older like you?" Jisung asked.

"Deeper voice, taller, no more baby cheeks...you're still cute to me," Chenle said brightly.

"God, I might barf from these rainbows and sunshine spouting from you guys," Donghyuck said, as he had stayed silent the entire time. Though he was used to Chenle and Jisung being the sweetest bff duo since they met each other years ago, he wanted to tease them a bit.

"Me too," said Jisung's friend, who had been eyeing the situation and awkwardly standing behind them.

Jisung laughed and continued to cling onto Chenle. "Chenle, Donghyuck, this is Mark. He came with me from the US but he's originally from Canada. He's around your age, Hyuck. Mark, this is Chenle and Donghyuck, I've known both of them since I was young."

"So, since you're in this class, you're pretty dumb, huh?" Donghyuck teased.

Mark flushed and Chenle hit Donghyuck's shoulder. "You're as dumb as him then!" Chenle said.

"Am not," Donghyuck said, rolling his eyes. "I've obviously got 150 IQ in this big head of mine."

"Nowhere near as big as mines," Chenle scoffed.

"Okay, okay," Jisung said, "the professor will be coming soon. Come find me after class, Chenle!"

Chenle nodded and waved to Jisung as he departed and sat back down with Donghyuck, satisfied.

"So, what'd I tell you?" Donghyuck asked smugly.

"Shut up, Hyuck," Chenle said, still smiling.

"Hey, hey," Donghyuck whispered, leaning over to Chenle. "Isn't that Mark guy kind of cute?"

Chenle rolled his eyes. "Maybe just to you," he said.

Donghyuck grumbled and turned his attention to Professor Jung who had just entered the classroom.


After class, Chenle happily fast walked through the hordes of people towards Jisung.

"Chenle, do you want to go eat with me and Mark now? My second class got cancelled this afternoon," Jisung asked.

"Thanks for the invite," Donghyuck said sarcastically.

"You too," Jisung confirmed. "We can catch up."

"Sounds good," Chenle said. "Can we bring some of our other friends?"

"Of course," Mark said. "Any friend of Jisung is also my friend."

"Let's go and we can pick up your friends along the way," Jisung said, slinging an arm around Chenle.


30 minutes later, the group was seated at a popular kbbq place near the uni.

Chenle and Donghyuck had invited Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin, who happily accepted the notion of free food.

"Long time no see, Jisung," Renjun said, nodding at him. "Who's your new friend?"

"I'm Mark Lee from Canada," Mark said. They all quickly returned introductions.

"Whoa, so you're Jisung," Jeno said. "I saw you in one of our classes. Chenle was so upset you didn't talk to him the other day."

Chenle rolled his eyes and Jisung laughed. "Were you upset about that?" Jisung asked Chenle.

"What'd you expect?" Chenle grumbled. "So, that reminds me. How come you came back here again?"

"Why, did you want me to stay in the US?" Jisung asked teasingly.

"If you're gonna be like this then stay in America then," Chenle shot back.

Jisung laughed. "Nah, I just wanted to come back. American schooling is cool and all but honestly I like it better here. Plus, SMU has always been my goal."

"Whoa, so you've been to America?" Jaemin asked curiously.

"Chenle being so freaking dramatic the other day was because Jisung left before high school to America, Jaemin," Donghyuck answered.

Chenle groaned. "When will I ever stop being clowned by you guys?"

Soon enough, the food came ready for them to eat.

Though now reunited with Jisung, Chenle kept on subconsciously glancing at Jisung out of the corner of his eye; somehow it all seemed unreal that he was now with Jisung again after years of waiting.

Jisung nudged him and said, "Stop looking at me and go eat."

Chenle sighed. Of course Jisung noticed. Starting to eat, Chenle was startled when Jisung leaned over and asked, "Do you want to hang out together after this to catch up?"

Chenle nodded. "Where to?"

"Anywhere you want."


Chenji have such a cute dynamic 😔 I honestly have such a temptation to jump into the romance but no gotta hold myself off HAHA

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