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Jisung was running through the field near their school playground, laughing loudly.

He felt something tackle him, and was turned over to see Chenle, ready to tickle his nose with a dandelion.

"No! Don't!" Jisung yelled, squirming.

Chenle laughed, all high-pitched and all, then proceeded to shove the dandelion under Jisung's nose.


Jisung grumbled, as Chenle just purposefully made him sneeze.

"Zhong Chenle! You're going to get a taste of my fist!' Jisung yelled, running after Chenle who was now long gone.


Jisung's eyes shot open.

Groaning, Jisung couldn't find the energy in him to move. It was the weekend anyways, and he didn't have anything else to do.

But why'd he dream of Chenle?

Jisung couldn't deny it. Looking at Chenle every day was like a reminder that Jisung had caused him to feel sad.

Jisung honestly knew he wasn't interested in Yeri. He figured out that she seemed like just a friend to him. But he couldn't muster up the courage to break off things with her, especially since he knew his parents were satisfied with his social life.

Jisung felt terrible for hurting Chenle. He knew he was being selfish for being insecure about his parents, for wanting everything to happen for himself.

But he had to keep up his resolve.

Jisung slipped out of bed and got ready for the rest of the day, or whatever he was doing. Opening the door while rubbing an eye, his vision cleared and saw Mark, sitting on the couch silently glaring at him.

"What are you doing, Mark?" Jisung asked him.

"No, I should be asking you that. What are you doing?"

Jisung felt confused. "I'm...going to go find breakfast to eat?"

"I mean about Chenle."

Jisung froze. "What about Chenle?" Jisung asked slowly.

"Hyuck tells me he's always freaking moping over your assholery. If you're not gonna tell me why you're being so cruel to him, at least tell him. He's attached to you by the hip. Did you expect him to be okay with this or what?"

Jisung's chest felt tight. "I...I can't. I'm sorry."

Mark shook his head. "I don't see what the big deal is." His eyes softened. "Just tell me, Jisung. Look, I've known you for so long. Please. This isn't beneficial for anyone."

Jisung sighed. "My parents -- they always were worried about me because I was really smart, and they thought I didn't talk to enough people, and they were scared I'd feel lonely. It's really dumb."

"But you had Chenle all this time, why would they be upset still?"

"It's not enough, they still keep on thinking I won't get anywhere just by talking to a couple people. So I date Yeri to keep them happy."

"But you're not happy," Mark said, and Jisung felt a pang in his heart. "They shouldn't be worried about your socializing anyways, that's such a weird thing to be worried about."

Jisung nodded. "I know, I just can't bring myself to disappoint them."

"You're not disappointing anyone, Jisung," Mark said softly. "Look, Chenle doesn't deserve to be shut out because of this. What were you thinking?"

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