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Morning sunlight filtered through the bedroom window as Jisung groaned, blinking his eyes open.

It was the Monday after the dance competition, and the last week of their first semester before break.

Jisung felt the body next to him stir a little, and he gave Chenle, who was still peacefully sleeping, a warm smile, though he couldn't see it. Jisung felt more accomplished winning as a team than he had by himself, and he continued smiling thinking about the entire thing.

Jisung also cast a soft look at Chenle. Of course, Jisung hadn't let Chenle forget that he wanted something from him as a reward -- maybe just to spite Chenle, but also because Jisung would give up anything to spend more time with his precious best friend.

As a result, Jisung had annoyingly convinced Chenle to spend the next week -- at least before Chenle had to return to China for break -- completely with him.

Jisung had a lot planned for these next 5 days.

Jisung watched Chenle's eyes flutter open and move towards Jisung.

Chenle's one arm that wasn't on the bed made grabby hands at Jisung and pulled him closer.

Jisung relaxed into the warmth.

"So, what's your plan for today?" Chenle asked, his voice a couple octaves lower and laced with sleepiness.

"Well, you'll have to find out when it happens," Jisung responded.

"Aw, Jisung," Chenle whined a bit.

Jisung just smiled and smoothed down the part of Chenle's hair that was sticking up.

"Come on, let's get going. We still have class." Jisung gave Chenle one more affectionate squeeze and got out of bed, Chenle following.


The entire time to class, Chenle pestered Jisung about it. Jisung was kind of glad Mark went to find Donghyuck beforehand, or else Mark might've made fun of him for it.

"Go," Jisung said, pushing Chenle to Donghyuck, who was already in class and talking with Mark.

Chenle rolled his eyes. "It better be something good, Jisung," he called out, departing to join Donghyuck at their normal seat.

"So, what's your surprise?" Mark asked Jisung quietly.

"Just bringing him out for some bingsu," Jisung whispered back.

"Isn't that like...a date?" Mark questioned, seeing as a bingsu date was quite popular, especially because summer was fast approaching.

Jisung smacked Mark's arm. "No, Chenle really likes bingsu. We used to get it back when we were kids all the time."

Mark raised an eyebrow.

Jisung sighed. "And we don't like each other like that. Not like you and Hyuck," Jisung said teasingly.

"Oh, shut up," Mark said, turning a bit red in the ears. "We're not dating yet."

"Keyword, yet."

Mark huffed. "Watch your mouth, Park."

Jisung laughed quietly before turning his attention to Professor Jung, who just entered the classroom.


After his second class, Jisung quickly went to find Chenle. It wasn't time for the sky to darken, but Jisung wanted Chenle to enjoy his bingsu when it was still hot out.

Jisung spotted Chenle sitting at one of the many tables near the front of the university, chatting with his typical friend group.

"What's good, Jisung?" drawled Jaemin, who had just happened to look up as Jisung approached.

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