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After his biology class with Professor Kim, Jisung patiently waited outside the dance team building to meet up with Chenle.

"Hey, Park Jisung!!" Chenle yelled.

"Hey Lele," Jisung greeted Chenle, affectionately using his nickname. "Where's Donghyuck?"

Chenle shrugged. "He's hanging with Mark, I think."

"Damn, Mark's dreams come true," Jisung said, laughing.

"Honestly," Chenle said, agreeing. "Go, hurry up and show them what you've got."

"Weren't you doubting me?" Jisung asked, entering the doors to see Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun waiting for him.

"Just go," Chenle insisted, taking a seat next to Renjun and Jeno on the sole couch.

"Alright, I've heard a lot of good things from Renjun already," Jaemin told Jisung. "I'm assuming your freestyle is pretty good, so give it a shot and choose a song."

Jisung chose a song that he had been listening to lately, Ridin', and it started playing on the speakers. Letting himself go loose, Jisung let the music direct his limbs where to go.

Finishing on a high note, Jisung shrugged and walked out of the center of the dance floor.

"So?" Jisung asked Jaemin.

"Honestly, you'd probably be the best on our team. Of course I want you in," Jaemin said, writing down Jisung's name on their roster.

Jisung breathed a sigh of relief. "When's practice?" he asked.

"I'll let you know," Jaemin said. "We just work around our class schedules."

Renjun nodded. "Feels like you've improved exponentially," he noted. "American air gave you god powers."

Jisung shook his head. "Nah, there's just a lot of good dance studios there so I visited them."

"Well, it was really good to see you dance again. I look forward to having you in the team," Renjun said.

"Me too," Jeno agreed. "Hey, let's go. It's getting pretty late."

Jaemin nodded. "You guys get back safe," he said.

Chenle stood up and stretched. "See you guys tomorrow," he said .

Jisung and Chenle walked to the dorms together. "I'm gonna go back to my dorm," Chenle said as they reached the entrance. "It's on the second floor. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Hey, can't I come over?" Jisung asked, pouting a bit.

Chenle sighed. "If Hyuck gets mad, he's yelling at you and not me, okay?"

"Hyuck loves me," Jisung said.

"Just because you're easily babied," Chenle said as they neared the top of the staircase.

"Well, you're my baby," Jisung said.

"I'm older than you," Chenle warned.

"So? We're still best friends."

"Fair point," Chenle acknowledged.

Chenle opened his dorm and yelled, "Lee Donghyuck!"

Jisung heard Donghyuck's faint voice coming from a room. Their dorm was cleaner than his and Mark's, so he could appreciate a small break from the mess.

Donghyuck came out from what Jisung assumed was his room and saw him. "What is this, some sort of mutual open house for the dorms event?"

"You wish it was so you could go see Mark," Chenle said.

Donghyuck made a face at Chenle. "So, Jisung, make yourself at home, I guess. I already know you and Chenle are just going to cuddle each other into oblivion, so I'll leave you guys to it."

"How was the outing with Mark?" Chenle asked.

"It was fine," Donghyuck said nonchalantly.

"Eyyy, you totally liked it," Chenle teased. "Love at first sight~"

Jisung watched in amusement as Donghyuck sputtered. "We didn't even do anything special," he retorted, and retreated back into his room.

"He liked it," Chenle confirmed, turning to Jisung. "C'mon, let's go."

Chenle's room used to be filled with a lot of toys, but Jisung assumed that he couldn't have brought all of them to the dorms. Chenle's room was quite empty, minus a few NCT 127 posters.

"Oh, I left a lot of my stuff back with my parents because I go back a lot," Chenle said. "The only thing I brought with you in it was my memories."

"That's so corny," Jisung said, but he really felt good about Chenle's words.

"Not as freaking corny as you," Chenle retorted. "Hurry up, let's get ready to sleep. Maybe you'll get to go to dance practice tomorrow."

Jisung nodded, excited at the thought of finally being part of a dance team again.


Once again, Jisung and Chenle were snuggled tightly together on Chenle's soft bed. Jisung felt as though he couldn't possibly ever get tired of having Chenle there to help him sleep well.

"If you have time," Jisung started. "You should come watch me practice and then we could always go out and have fun afterwards."

"Or you could come watch my vocal practices instead," Chenle suggested.

"You joined the vocal team?" Jisung asked, amazed. He knew Chenle was pretty good at singing beforehand but he didn't realize he would make it official.

Chenle nodded. "Well, Hyuck had joined it so he told me if there was something I should join it could be the vocal team."

"We can watch each other if our schedules are free," Jisung said. "For now, what you should do is serenade me to sleep."

Chenle hit Jisung. "I'm not going to waste my time trying to serenade you to sleep."

"Please?" Jisung begged. He wanted to hear Chenle sing after all this time.

"Whatever," Chenle said. "Listen closely, because I'm not doing it for long."

Jisung nodded obediently.

Chenle took a deep breath and softly started singing.

"어서 대답해 지금 뭐 해

할 거 없으면 당장 나와...

Cuz I'm into it

I'm into it

말 안 해도 통하는 넌 Best friend..."

(Reply now, what are you doing?

If you're not doing anything, come out right now...

Cuz I'm into it

I'm into it

You're my best friend, we don't have to talk to click...)

"That's it," Chenle finished, speaking softly.

Jisung nodded, content with hearing Chenle's voice to calm his mood.

"Thank you, Chenle," Jisung said, closing his eyes to give way to a warm embrace.


Sort of establishing their school schedules and extracurriculars :)))

also just saying best friend should be chenji's whole anthem, it's so precious 🥺

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