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Chenle was buzzing with excitement to go back to school for the first day. He had returned from China recently but Donghyuck told him that he wasn't going back to the dorms until the first day of second semester had started.

Jisung didn't reply to any messages Chenle sent him, but Chenle just assumed that he was probably busy at home.

Chenle also didn't know what Jisung's new schedule for the semester was, but luckily he and Donghyuck had similar schedules as they had picked the same professors.

Chenle tackled Donghyuck in a tight hug when they saw each other for the first time in a while.

"How was your break?" Chenle asked Donghyuck.

"Pretty good," was the response. "I didn't do much, but that's the good thing."

Chenle laughed. "Do you know Jisung's schedule this year?"

Donghyuck hit Chenle's head. "What? Why don't you ask him yourself, stupid?"

"I can't, he hasn't texted me back for a while."

Donghyuck frowned. "I'll ask Mark where he's at."

They got themselves situated in the new class when Donghyuck tapped Chenle's shoulder. "Looks like we'll see him next class. Mark said he asked Jisung and sent his schedule over."

"Okay, thanks," Chenle said, a bit confused as to why Mark could ask Jisung but Jisung couldn't reply to Chenle.

"Hyuck, don't you think-"

Chenle was cut off by the professor entering -- it was Professor Moon, who was a favorite among the university students for his extensive knowledge in Korean literature. Chenle also knew him as the vocal team coach.

Chenle could barely pay attention in class. He felt antsy to see Jisung again.

As class was dismissed, Chenle hurriedly rushed to his next class -- physics -- as if the slightly less time it took for him to travel would matter.

Chenle spotted Jisung's mop of brownish hair sitting next to Mark and practically flew over.

"Hey, Jisung," Chenle said breathlessly.

Something was off.

"Hey, Chenle," Jisung said, but he really didn't seem interested.

"How was your break?" Chenle asked.


Chenle stared at Jisung, who wasn't even looking at him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Donghyuck look at Mark, who shrugged.

Donghyuck lightly pulled Chenle away. "Come on."

Chenle could hear Mark ask Jisung, "What is your issue?" in the most incredulous tone yet.

And Jisung only said, "I don't have one."

Chenle felt utterly confused.

Donghyuck grumbled. "Is he looking for a problem or what?"

Chenle scrunched his eyebrows together. Why was Jisung suddenly so different?

"I know what you're thinking, Chenle. Maybe something just happened to him over break. It's probably nothing serious," Donghyuck said softly.

Chenle couldn't focus in class, but this time it was for a different reason.

This was probably a joke, right?


Wrong. For the next few weeks, Chenle felt lost.

More lost than he did when Jisung left for America.

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