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Chenle couldn't find it in him to break his eyes away from Park Jisung.

It was Donghyuck who took him out of his thoughts. "What the...I thought Jisung went to the US to study?"

"Yeah, he did." Chenle could feel his brain working a million miles per hour. He could recognize the posture of Jisung immediately -- one of a dancer.

There was his best friend of years -- the person who he used to rely on consistently, the one he adored the most.

That close friendship had been broken once Jisung got an offer to study in the US.

From a young age, Jisung was a really intelligent and gifted kid. Not only did he not struggle in any subject, he was also gifted in dance.

It was no surprise that some big scholarship company from the US had picked up on Jisung's talents and offered to take him abroad for high school.

Of course, wanting the best for Jisung, Chenle encouraged Jisung to go. It was an opportunity to see new things and put his intelligence to use.

Although Jisung was hesitant to leave Chenle, his parents and Chenle were supportive of it, so Chenle's last memory with Jisung was one where they were holding back tears and hugging goodbye.

Seeing Jisung again brought Chenle a rush of adoration and affection.

Jisung seemed to still have that goofy grin of his, but he had grown so much taller and his cheeks were much more defined than when they were younger.

They weren't in middle school anymore -- this was university -- and Chenle realized with a jolt that he hadn't seen Jisung for 4 years.

Donghyuck tapped the table lightly. "Do you want to say hi to him?"

Chenle suddenly felt shy. "I don't know, we haven't seen each other in such a long time. And look, he's got other friends too now." Chenle felt as though Jisung had somehow grown older than him.

"Aren't you curious why he's back?" Donghyuck questioned. "I'm going to go over and say hi before it's too late."

Watching Donghyuck determinedly stand up, Chenle sighed and followed suit, feeling strangely nervous about talking to Jisung again.

Chenle trailed behind Donghyuck as they approached Jisung, who was engaged in a conversation with another person.

"Jisung?" Donghyuck prompted, and Jisung turned his head towards him, a smile lighting up his face.

"Donghyuck?" Jisung exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in a long time!"

Chenle didn't say anything, but he saw Jisung's eyes flicker over to him. However, before Jisung could open his mouth, the professor arrived.

"Alright, let's get started," the professor said loudly.

Donghyuck gave Chenle a look and led him back to their seats.

"My name is Professor Jung, and you should know that you guys are in a second year calculus class, so I commend all of you for passing calc 1. Let's get started with the syllabus."

Chenle felt himself drown the professor out, staring at the back of Jisung's head. He really didn't know what his relationship with Jisung would be considered because of the long time they hadn't kept in touch. But he greeted Hyuck so enthusiastically.

Their previously close relationship wouldn't end just because of time, right?

Of course, the path of life does not need to listen to Chenle's thoughts.


Professor Jung concluded his first brief on limits and dismissed the class graciously.

As the waves of students flooded out the door, Donghyuck and Chenle once again headed towards Jisung's spot, but they found that he and his friend moved extremely quickly through the crowd of people and disappeared through the doors.

Donghyuck groaned. "Why are there so many freaking people that exist?"

Chenle frowned. Jisung clearly saw him before, so why would he leave without saying a word to Chenle now?

"Hey, are you upset because Jisung left so quickly?" Donghyuck asked, glancing over at Chenle's sullen face.

"A little bit," Chenle admitted, sighing. "I thought he'd be as excited to see me as he was to see you."

Donghyuck put an arm around Chenle's shoulders, leading him towards their meeting place with their other friends. "I'm sure he was really happy to see you. He probably just had another class to rush to. You guys are best friends. He wouldn't take that so lightly."

Chenle murmured in agreement. Somehow, he had a sinking feeling in his gut that his future interactions with Jisung wouldn't be smooth, and he cursed the thought.

Showing Chenle their little spot underneath the multiple storied library, Donghyuck greeted their other friends, Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno.

Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck had been pretty close in high school, and he was introduced to Jaemin and Jeno through Donghyuck and Renjun over the summer when they agreed to meet up. He was glad to have them be by his side especially for his first year.

"Hey hey, how was your first class?" Donghyuck asked them.

"Seriously sucks," Jaemin groaned. "I wish I was a freshman again. Chemistry makes me want to jump off a cliff."

Renjun laughed, then noticed Chenle. "Hey, what's up with you Chenle? Was Professor Jung hard on you guys? He's normally very chill."

Donghyuck shook his head. "You know who we saw today? A whole Park Jisung."

Renjun gasped while Jaemin and Jeno looked confused. "You mean THE Park Jisung? Chenle's best friend?"

"Yep. But Chenle is upset because Jisung left before saying anything to him."

Renjun sighed. "It'll be fine, Chenle. You'll see him next time."

Chenle nodded. "I just miss him a lot."

"I know," Renjun said soothingly. "Look, just focus on the rest of your classes okay? You'll see Jisung later. Don't worry about it."

Throughout the rest of the day, Chenle couldn't let go of the uncomfortable, nagging feeling at the back of his mind.


hello again!! maybe some foreshadowing here?? anyways our precious bois will interact soon so don't be too upset 😔

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