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To say Chenle was amazed by the amount of thought Jisung was putting into their outings was an understatement. Every day, Jisung managed to take him to somewhere different but enjoyable.

The third day had consisted of an amusement park. It was nearing summer after all, and the amount of people pouring into them was alarmingly fast. They had gone to an amusement park when they were younger before, and Jisung's opinion hadn't changed.

Though Chenle loved roller coasters, Jisung had refused to ride any of the rides, saying the tall ones were too scary and the little ones were too childish.

Though Chenle felt bad about it, Jisung insisted that it was still fun for him.

The fourth day was where Jisung brought him to the beach. Chenle's first time at the beach when he was young was with Jisung. It was then that he learned he wasn't a big fan of the beach, because his pale skin would easily burn under the sweltering heat. Chenle and Jisung opted to just take a walk along the pier and enjoy the upbeat atmosphere.

And so came the fifth day. The day Chenle dreaded the most, and he knew Jisung did too -- another time before they had to leave each other again, even if it was for a shorter time than normal.

Jisung has insisted that Chenle go back to his dorms the night before, much to his confusion.

Even so, Chenle braced himself for another goodbye when Jisung walked up to him underneath the cherry blossom trees that were at the end of their flowering stage.

"Hey," Jisung said, smiling at Chenle. Chenle's heart beat faster at the simple gesture.

"Hey," Chenle murmured back, afraid of what was to come.

"I brought some food for us," Jisung stated, lifting up an arm to show the small picnic basket he had packed.

Chenle cracked a small smile. He knew Jisung couldn't cook.

"So, where's it from this time?" Chenle asked.

"My hands," Jisung said.

Chenle rolled his eyes. "No kidding. Tell me the truth."

"It's true," Jisung said as he laid everything out on the blanket he had conveniently brought as well. "Mark asked his friend to come over and teach me how to make actual food."

Chenle blinked, startled. "You mean to say that your big poop hands made something like this?"

"Well, I got some help," Jisung admitted shyly, "but I mostly made it by myself."

"I'm so proud of you," Chenle said, wiping away a fake tear.

"Oh shush," Jisung said, feigning annoyance.

"So what are your plans for break?" Chenle asked Jisung.

"My parents want me back for break. They said all my relatives want to see me again. As if they didn't see me last summer," Jisung said, rolling his eyes.

"Aw, they just miss seeing your cute little face," Chenle said, snorting at the thought of Jisung being continually babied by his family.

"I wish that's all they wanted from me," Jisung said, almost pitifully. "What about you? Gonna have fun with automatic doors again?"

Chenle rolled his eyes. He knew Jisung wouldn't let him live it down that his house in China had automatic doors. "I'm gonna do some fun stuff without you," Chenle said playfully.

"No fair," Jisung whined a bit.

"Maybe when you're done being coddled by your relatives, then you could come over and visit," Chenle suggested.

"They'll never be done coddling me," Jisung said, sighing in exasperation.

"Alright, alright," Chenle said as the aroma of food drifted towards them because of the light breeze. "Go, eat first. I want to see if I'll get poisoned."

Jisung rolled his eyes and picked up a small piece of the noodles he had cooked and popped it in his mouth.

Chenle waited in anticipation. "I'm a bit disappointed you didn't mess up," he said.

"Maybe I should have messed up to poison you instead."

Chenle smacked Jisung lightly and took a bite of the food. It was more delicious than he thought. Maybe Jisung's smarts translated well into cooking.

"It's good," Chenle said.

Jisung smiled widely. "I'm glad. Back when we were kids and had a picnic, you remember we were eating our parents' food instead."

Chenle nodded. He knew Jisung chose to do this before break because the day before Jisung left for the US, they had also had a picnic.

Though it was a bit of a bittersweet thing, Chenle appreciated deeply that Jisung had done so much stuff for him.

"Thank you, Jisung," Chenle said as sincerely as he could muster.

"Anything for you, Lele," Jisung responded.


Chenle had his face buried in Jisung's neck and his hands tightly scrunching the back of Jisung's sweatshirt. Somehow this situation felt reversed -- it was his time to leave to another country (granted only for a month) -- and Jisung was the one to send him away. There they were, hugging in the middle of the airport, as if inseparable.

"Jisung, I have to go soon," Chenle murmured quietly.

"I know," Jisung said back. "I just want to get as much of you as I can to stock up for the next month."

"You'll live," Chenle said, pretending to be a bit exasperated.

"Flight number 127. All passengers boarding flight 127 must report to the gate now."

Chenle forced himself away from Jisung's grasp and kept his hands on the side of Jisung's now-not-so-chubby cheeks.

Chenle could feel his heart beating hard.

Now or never.

Chenle smiled as brightly as he could and tiptoed to press a gentle kiss onto Jisung's forehand.

Jisung's hands came up to catch Chenle's elbows when Chenle lowered his arms. "Have fun and come back safely, okay? I'll be waiting for you."

Chenle nodded, and thus departed for his hometown of Shanghai. He sighed. He would have to think of something to spend his time on in the plane.

Maybe thinking about Jisung would suffice.


perhaps...does chenle...realize he likes jisung??? 

anyways most of their week was based on their chenji's this and that episodes!! i love watching them because it makes me feel like i'm also having fun with them :)))

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