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Jisung was moping around his dance practice that even Yeri noticed. He felt really upset that Chenle was keeping something from him -- but he knew he was extra upset because Chenle was going to confess to someone.

"What's your issue now?" Yeri asked during their break.

Renjun was nearby and nodded. "Yeah, you're a little off today, Jisung, are you alright?"

Jisung sighed, running a hand through his black hair. "Yeah, I'm just finding it hard to focus right now," he said.

Yeri paused in thought. "Is it Chenle?" she asked.

Jisung looked at her in shock. "How'd you know?"

Yeri rolled her eyes. "It's always Chenle for you," she pointed out.

Renjun nodded in agreement. "So, tell us, what's up?"

Jisung sighed. He wanted to get it off his chest, so he was willing to explain it. "Well, Chenle likes someone, but he won't tell me who he is. But Donghyuck and Mark both know who it is and they've been so close to telling me but Chenle doesn't let them! Plus they said he'll confess soon to that person." Jisung sighed again.

Renjun burst out laughing once Jisung finished his tangent.

"What, what's so funny?" Jisung asked, confused.

Renjun took deep breaths to stop laughing and said, "Oh my god, you're so freaking oblivious, Jisung. Even I know who it is."

Jisung frowned. "Is it someone I know?"

Renjun smiled. "I think it's someone you know very well." He put a hand on Jisung's shoulder. "I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, Jisung."

"If you can't focus, you should probably go," Yeri said. "But I also think you shouldn't worry."

Jisung was so utterly confused. How could they be so confident that it would be okay?

Renjun must've seen his confused look because he said, "Just go back to your dorms and don't stress," he advised Jisung, and Jisung dumbly nodded.

On his bed, Jisung pouted to himself because Chenle wasn't responding to his messages, which was quite rare. He wondered if Chenle was getting ready to prepare the confession for the person he liked, the thought of which made Jisung really salty.

Jisung grumbled into his pillow and eventually let himself fall into sleep.


The next morning, Jisung woke up in a fairly bad mood. He had to go to his most difficult class, physics, and Chenle still hadn't responded. In fact, Mark also didn't return to the dorms, but Jisung assumed he was just staying with Donghyuck.

Ignoring his trivial concerns, Jisung made himself a bowl of cereal and went on his way to class, which bored him to death.

After class, Jisung was starting to get concerned when Chenle still hadn't responded to any messages, because he normally responded quickly unless he was playing some game.

Jisung was snapped out of his thoughts when he finally got a message from Chenle, asking him to go to the school's cafe, which was situated in the biggest building of the university and often was filled with many people. Jisung didn't really know why Chenle would be there, but he said yes anyways.

What Jisung didn't expect was to open the doors and see no students -- just hearts hanging on the walls filled with either pictures of him and Chenle, or warm messages.

Jisung's mind went blank as he followed a sign near the staircase that said to head up.

When Jisung reached the top of the staircase, he realized the square black seats of the cafe had been rearranged on the bottom floor, now saying: I like you JS.

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