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Jisung felt as if he was blessed to be back with Chenle. He felt incredibly happy that he could see Chenle again, and he was also happy that they were still able to feel close to each other though they had been apart for so long.

Jisung and Chenle ended up going to see scenery, since Jisung hadn't been in Korea for a long time. It was starting to get darker, and all the lights in the city were turning on.

"How does it feel to be back?" Chenle asked while they leaned over the railing to observe the pretty lighting.

"Pretty good," Jisung said. "I'm glad I came back. Otherwise who knows what I would've been doing in America."

"But America is where everyone wants to go," Chenle mused. "Somewhere with a lot of different cultures and lots of different places to go."

"It's not bad," Jisung said. "It's just not what I'm used to, even after some years."

Jisung sighed in content, pulling Chenle closer to him and leaning the side of his head against the top of Chenle's. He really liked this new advantage his growing had given him, and although when they were younger Jisung had always clung onto Chenle, he now felt as though he was big enough to protect Chenle in return.

"The most important thing that America doesn't have that Korea does have is..." Jisung paused as Chenle moved his head to look up. "...Zhong Chenle."

Jisung saw, in the fading light of the sunset, Chenle's light blush dusting the top of his cheekbones.

Chenle shook his head. "Did you learn how to sweet talk in America, Park Jisung?"

"Sure did, love," Jisung said teasingly.

Chenle's blush spread, but it was getting harder for Jisung to see Chenle because of how quickly it was getting dark.

"What would've been your plan if I didn't go to SMU like I said?" Chenle asked.

"Well, I found you now, so that's all that matters," Jisung said. "Do you still live in that big house of yours?"

"Nope, I moved out for uni because I thought it'd be better for me to experience the real world without my parents, you know?"

"So where do you live now?" Jisung asked curiously.

Chenle shrugged. "I just dorm at the uni with Hyuck. What about you?"

"I dorm with Mark," Jisung answered.

"Did I tell you that Hyuck finds Mark cute?" Chenle noted, laughing a little at the thought.

"That reminds me of Mark asking me to get him Donghyuck's number when he first saw him," Jisung said, laughing with Chenle.

"Holy shit," Chenle gasped, his laugh taking away his breath. "That's so freaking cute."

"Not as cute as you," Jisung teased.

"Shut up," Chenle scoffed, but he was smiling.

"Do you want to come to my dorm?" Jisung asked. He felt as though he couldn't bear the thought of separating from Chenle again.

"Haven't you seen me for long enough?" Chenle laughed.

"We have a lot to catch up on," Jisung whined.

"Okay, okay," Chenle responded. "Let's go now."


Jisung led Chenle to his dorm, where he opened the door to see Mark lying on the couch.

"Mark, what are you doing?" Jisung asked.

"Half dying from eating too much, half living from seeing Donghyuck," Mark responded weakly.

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