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Chenle could describe himself as being on cloud 9, really. He spent so much time mulling over whether there was any chance that Jisung liked him back (which he had concluded were next to none) and wallowing in his self pity of just being a supposed bff to his crush.

But here he was, snuggled against Jisung like they normally would be, but it was different. It wasn't just something platonic, something that they did to comfort each other.

It was a representation of their adoration for each other.

Chenle let his eyes rake over Jisung -- someone he thought had grown up to be so handsome, yet continued to preserve his childish but endearing personality. Everything about Jisung -- from his black hair to his caring eyes to his perfectly sculpted nose to his sweet lips -- was something that Chenle couldn't believe he had to himself now.

Jisung's eyes fluttered open, and Chenle felt his cheeks burn in embarrassment for being caught staring.

"What are you staring at, love?" Jisung asked, his husky morning voice absolutely sweeping Chenle off his feet and making his heart beat fast. Especially with the pet name -- Chenle could punch Jisung for being so damn sweet.

"Nothing," Chenle murmured, averting his eyes.

"Hm," Jisung mused, showing that he wasn't buying it at all. He leaned forward to nuzzle his nose against Chenle's.

"Go brush your teeth and then we'll talk," Chenle said sternly, and Jisung reluctantly complied, dragging himself out of bed to do so.

After they erased the effects of sleep from them, Chenle brought up something he was thinking about with Jisung. "Hey, do you want to go back to Shanghai with me for the break coming up?" he asked, fiddling with the bracelet on his wrist.

"To see your parents?" Jisung asked innocently, staring at him as he ate his breakfast.

"Yeah, they said they wanted to see you last time," Chenle explained. His parents had always been extra fond of Jisung.

Jisung nodded slowly and thoughtfully. "Well, you should come see my family then, and I want to talk to my mom about...what happened last time."

Chenle's heart clenched at the thought of Jisung dating someone else, the thought of Jisung ignoring him, the thought of-

"Hey," Jisung said, breaking Chenle out of his thoughts. "You okay?"

Chenle nodded mutely.

Jisung reached over and poked Chenle's cheek, causing him to whine in protest. "I know you're still thinking about it, but it won't happen again, okay?" he assured.

Chenle nodded again, erasing his worries from his mind. Checking his phone for the first time that morning, he saw a flurry of messages from Donghyuck, who knew he was confessing the day before.

Hyuck: Soo spill the tea, what happened???

Hyuck: Chenle???

Hyuck: Chonlo??????

Hyuck: dude don't leave me hanging how'd it go

Hyuck: oh jfc if you don't respond I'm going to kick down the door in your dorm

Chenle rolled his eyes, and Jisung noticed. "What happened?" he asked.

"Hyuck is annoying me about what happened yesterday," Chenle answered.

"Oh, because you made a deal with him about confessing?" Jisung confirmed, raising an eyebrow, and Chenle blushed.

"Stop, that was peer pressure!" Chenle exclaimed, feeling shy about the entire thing again.

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