5 words for nini

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Rosé: hey Jennie


Rosé: guess what's the 5 words that I want to say to you right now.

Jennie: *thinks* *counting on my finger* *blushes* awww...stop it! *blushing*


Jennie: I. Love.You.So. Much

Rosé: no

Jennie: I. Miss. You. So. Much?

Rosé: no

Jennie: *gasp*

Rosé: what?

Jennie: Jennie. Will. You. Marry. Me?!

Rosé: no

Jennie:then what?

Rosé: *tooks out my five fingers* Please. Feed. Hank. For. Me *counts*

Jennie: COME BACK HERE YOU MOTHERFUC---- *chases rosé*

Rosé: *runs for my life*

Jisoo:*grabs a popcorn* *watches chaennie*

Lisa: do you think whe should help chaeng?

Jisoo: nah, no need

Lisa: oh yeah, Jennie unnie's legs are short, she's not gonna catch rosie *eats popcorn*

Jennie: I heard that! *glares at lisa*

Lisa:oh shi--

Jennie: LALISA!

Lisa: PARK CHAEYOUNG-AH! *Runs with rosè*

Jisoo: kids *rolls eyes*

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