Send me those tears

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Warning: angst ahead
If you're a softy and easily get hurt...then you should read this

I want to make you cry HAHA!

6 months ago

Rosé: I love you

Jennie: Why so sudden?

Rosé: nothing...I just want to say it

Jennie: I love you more *smiles*

Rosé: would you miss me if I die?

Jennie: *looks at Rosé* babe...what kind of a question is that? Why are you saying that?

Rosé: I just wanna know

Jennie: *hugs Rosé* you're not gonna leave...You'll stay here with me. I'll die with you.

Rosé: *smiles* *hugs Jennie* I'm not gonna leave you.

Present time

Jennie: *texts Rosé*

Dear Rosé,

           How are you my love? I hope you're happy now... Why am I even texting you? If you're gonna read this shit. I miss you so much...I'm still gonna wait for you.

You know...just like what you always say..."If you're crying send those tears to me and I'll turn it into laugh"...I miss you so much Rosé...I'll wait for you no matter how long or no matter where you are.

Lovingly yours Jennie,

Jennie: *wipes tears away* Roseanne...

Rosé: *came out of the bathroom* How many times do I have to tell you babe? STOP SENDING ME MESSAGES WHILE I'M POOPING!

Jennie: I just missed you!

Rosé: oh my god! We're like cuddling on the bed 5 minutes ago!

Jennie: *hugs her* that was a long time

Rosé: *face palm*

Is it a good prank?

I hope I got you HAHAHAHAHA goodnight! And goodmorning in advance!

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