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Rosè:baby here's your ice cream. *gives jennie the vanilla ice cream and her tacos and fries and chips*

Jennie: *claps like a kid* yey! Thank you babi! *was about to eat*

Rosè:actually I'm kinda hungry right now. Can I have a bite on your tacos?

Jennie: oh...yeah sure *was about to give the taco*

Rosè: *grabs the taco away from her* thanks babi *eats the taco*

Jennie: y-you said just one----

Rosè: but I'm hungry.

Jennie:oh...yeah. *chuckles*m-me too *was about to eat the chips*

Rosè: Actually I wanna have some of these too *grabs the chips and eat it*

Jennie: ah! Yeah sure... *gulp because im hungry*

Rosè: you okay?

Jennie: yeah.. *chuckles* j-just eat. I'm full when you're full *chuckles*

Rosè: *laughs* baby I'm just kidding!


Rosè: *laughs * this is just a prank. There's a camera there *points the camera*


Rosè: *hugs jennie while laughing* you're really going to give me your food?

Jennie: *nods and hides to rosè's chest because of embarassment*

Rosè: *laughs* even though you haven't ate all day?


Rosè: aww *laughs*

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