Lover chapt 2: Ms. Manoban

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Jennie's Point of View

"Ms. Kim" I heard her voice as I look at my office's window. I felt her arms snaked on my waist and her chin on my shoulder. "Backhug" she said before chuckling.


"Nini." I heard Lisa's voice as I look at her room's window. I felt her arms snaked on my waist and her chin on my shoulder "Back hug" she said before chuckling. I was about to turn around to see her face, but she tightened her arms around me "hm? You don't want to see my face?" I asked "I just want to stay like this for a while" she said that made me smile "okay then." I said as she continued backhugging me

Back to the present time

"What are you doing here in my office Ms. Manoban" I removed her arms around my waist as I walk away from her. "Visiting you ofcourse" "This isn't a hospital nor a holy garden so why would you visit me?" I said as I fix the files making her chuckle "You didn't even bother texting me or calling me when you arrived from Thailand. I was so worried about you." Said Lisa making me chuckle

"Since when you had the right to be worried huh?" She walk towards me before grabbing my shirts collar to kiss her. After 10 seconds of kiss she pulled away "I told you....I still want to be with you...we can still fix this" she said as tears fell from her eyes "There's nothing to be fixed between us. There's nothing between us." I said before hearing a soft knock on the door "Who is it?" I said "Ms. Kim it's me Rosè...I-I mean, Ms. Park. Can I come in?" I heard her stuttering voice. Why is she so cute?

"Yes, come in" I said before walking away from Lisa and sitting back to my swivel chair. Rosè entered the office and bowed to me and Lisa "good afternoon ma'am" she said before walking towards my table and giving me the files "What is this?" "These are the files for Mr. Jung's presentation, he told me to give it to you because he's on break"  she said making my eye brows curl "Why would Mr. Jung do that eh? He should be the one who's giving this to me...just because he's on his break that doesn't mean he can tell a newbie to do this" I raised my voice and saw her look down "Tell Mr. Jung to go to my office later" "N-no ma'am...I insisted. I have nothing to do earlier so I asked Mr. Jung if he need something." She said while looking down. "You may go"' I said and she was about to go when...

"Are you the newbie?" Lisa suddenly asked "Yes ma'am" said Rosè that made Lisa smile "Nice to meet you. I'm Lisa, Lisa Manoban CEO of the company" Lisa said "Nice to meet you too ma'am" Said Rosè before bowing, "You're too formal" said Ms. Manoban,  Rosè chuckled. "May I excuse myself ma'am? I still have work to do" she said before bowing "You may go" Lisa said then Rosè left. "You didn't told me that the newbie is a girl" said Lisa "You didn't asked for it" "smart mouth...I'll meet you after work later" She said before walking away "There's a welcome party for the newbie, I can't meet you later" "Then I'll meet you after the party" she said before completely going out. 

 Welcome party"

"Cheers for Ms. Park!" Ms. Nam said before raising her drink  "cheers!" everyone said.

"How's your talk with Ms. Kim earlier Ms. Park?" one of the employee asked "It's great...well actually she's pretty cute tho" Rosè said making them chuckle "You can't say that in front of her" "why not?" "because she's scarier than you expected" said another employee making Rosè chuckle "I don't think so" said Rosè "excuse me for sec"

Outside the restaurant

"Ms. Kim.....what are you doing here?" "Smoking" said Jennie while smoking her 2nd cigarette "Smoking is bad" "who cares if I die anyway" Said Jennie while smoking "Why are you here?" Jennie asked back "They're so noisy" Rosè said before sitting beside her "Seoul is such a noisy city" Rosè sighed "you're noisy too" Said Jennie while smoking, Rosè chuckled before looking around..."woah! Manager-nim look!" "what?" "Look! there's a claw machine!" said Rosè happily "It's just a claw machine. Are you a kid?" "Let's play!" "no" Said Jennie before continue smoking "Come on!" Rosè grabbed her coat like a kid "no" said Jennie coldly "You just don't know how to play it that's why you don't want to" Rosè crossed her arms like a kid while sitting "shut up, I know how to play that" Jennie said that made Rosè pout "then let's play!" "no" "why?" "Because I'm not a childish human like you" said Jennie that made Rosè stand up "tsk if you don't wanna play then don't" said Rosè before walking towards the claaw machine 

"Yay! thanks Manager-nim!" Rosè said while jumping like a kid as Jennie got the stuff toy that she wants "Again, Again, Again!" Rosè jumped "Hey, careful. There's a kid behind you" said Jennie that made Rosè look behind her "oh..sorry" Rosè said before looking at the cute little girl who's looking at the stuff toy on her hand "eh? You want this?" Rosè asked, the little girl nodded making Rosè smile "here, this is yours now." Rosè gave the stuffy to the kid making the kid smile "thank you" the kid said "You're go to your parents" Rosè said making the kid nod and walk away "Why would you give that to the kid?" Jennie asked while eating her corn dog "because I think she deserves it" said Rosè while smiling "Then I'm not gonna get you another stuffy" Jennie said before walking away "Manager-nim..quit being rude" Rosè said before following Jennie

After hours of playing in the amusement park nearby

"Manager-nim, let's try that---" Rosè got cut off when Jennie's phone rang "Just a minute" Jennie said before answering the call "hello?" "hey, Jen. Where are you? I'm already here at the restaurant for the welcome party" Lisa said on the other line "Ah...yeah. I'm just walking nearby. I'm coming" Jennie said before hanging up "let's go back" "what why?" Rosè asked in confusion "let's just go back. everyone's looking for you" said Jennie before walking away

 Jennie's house 

"Tired?" Lisa asked as she back hug Jennie who's looking the city's view on her window "Kinda" Jennie said before feeling Lisa's soft kisses on her neck "Not in the mood right now" Jennie siad before hearing Lisa chuckle "Where were you earlier?" "Just wandering around" "with who?" Lisa asked making Jennie sigh.."alone" Jennie said making Lisa chuckle "such a liar" Lisa said kissing her neck more "mmm" Jennie moaned softly before turning to Lisa and giving her and aggressive kiss which Lisa responded. They walk towards the couch before Jennie pushed Lisa on the couch making her on top "Jennie" Lisa moaned as Jennie kiss her neck. "I said.." Jennie started while kissing lisa's neck "I'm not in the mood" Jennie said before pulling away and walking away "Go home" Jennie said before walking upstairs. Lisa groaned in frustration before laying on the couch

The next day on the office

at the elevator

"ah..goodmorning Ms. Manoban" Rosè greeted as soon as she saw Ms. Manoban in the elevator as soon as it opened "Good morning to you too Ms....." "Park" "Ms. Park" Lisa chuckled before stepping aside to let Rosè in. The elevator closed and silence engulfed the both of them. Rosè inhaled a little bit before exhaling "is there something wrong Ms. Park?" Lisa asked "N-no nothing ma''s just that..your perfume smells good" Rosè said before smiling shyly "Ahh.." Lisa chuckled at her cute antics "You're being cute today" Lisa said making Rosè laugh a bit.

The elevator opened at the floor where Rosè is going.  Rosè bowed to Lisa before walking away. 

"Ms. Park! you're early today huh?" Co-manager Kim greeted Rosè with a smile making Rosè chuckle "Yes sir" said Rosè "Will you please give this to Ms. Kim before working?" Mr. Kim said before giving Rosè the file that Ms. Kim needs. "Yes sir" Rosè said before walking away

Jennie's office

"Ms. Kim?" Rosè knocked a little before opening the door "Come in" Jennie said while reading some files "Here are the files that Mr. Kim wants to give to you" Rosè said before putting the files on her desk. "Thanks" Jennie said before continue working. Rosè stood infront of her desk. Jennie turned her gaze to her "what are you doing there? you should go and start your work now" Jennie said still looking at Rosè "M-Ms. Kim...are you and Ms. Manoban lives in a same place?" Rosè suddenly asked that caught Jennie off guard "No..why?" Jennie asked "Because you and Ms. Manoban smell the same" Rosè said making Jennie clench her fists.

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