knock knock

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Rosé: Will you forget me after 3 months?

Jennie: eh? Are you talking to me? *busy on my phone*

Rosé: no I'm talking to the wall...ofcourse! I'm talking to you!'

Jennie: ofcourse not...why would I forget you

Rosé: how 'bout 7 months?

Jennie: babe, no okay? I'm not gonna forget about you

Rosé: how about 1 year?

Jennie: the fuck is wrong with you babe?! I'm not gonna forget you!

Rosé: 5 years? No...maybe 15 years?

Jennie: *hugs Rosé* no...I'm not gonna forget you....stop saying makes me feel like you're gonna leave me

Rosé: ...knock knock

Jennie: what? All of a sudden?'re being dramatic 1 second ago and then...

Rosé: knock knock!

Jennie: aish! ...fine! Who's there?

Rosé: *tearing up* You already forgot me

Jennie: *gets up on the bed*

Rosé: *laughs* hey babe where are you going?

Jennie: on the guest room. Sleep by yourself here tonight *leaves*

Rosé:....I shouldn't did that

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