I will love you 'til we're old

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"Jennie, this is rosè by the way" Lisa introduced Jennie as her friend Rosè stood up to offer a shake hands "Nice to meet you Ms. Kim" Rosè said formally that made Jennie chuckle

"Just call me Jennie, Nice to meet you too....Ms---" "Call me rosè too" Rosè said and smiled cheekily "Nice to meet you rosè" Jennie smiled

Jennie's pov

That was....3rd of January....when I first met you. You were wearing a formal suit like you're in a meeting, but in reality...we are just in Jisoo unnie's party. You were so quiet that time until Lisa decided to introduce me to you.

End of Jennie's pov
A/n's pov

"You play piano?" Jennie asked as she sat beside Rosè "Uhm...yeah...How did you know?" Rosè said and chuckled "Your fingers are long and your hands are big....like a musicians hands" Jennie smiled and rosè chuckled

Jennie's pov

Your chuckle....your chuckle is the cutest sound I've ever heard. I love it when I make you smile. We spent the whole party night talking and getting to know each other....then I realized...

In just a simple party night...I fell inlove to a stranger like you.

A/n's pov

".....then Lisa snorted while laughing too  much" Rosè said while laughing with Jennie as they walk on the street beside each other. Rosè decided to walk Jennie home since it's already late "what's your favorite musical piece by the way?" Jennie asked randomly that made Rosè froze on her spot "uhm...." "You okay?" Jennie asked "I-I haven't touched my piano since then so....yeah...I wanted to bury my music life on the back of my head" Rosè said

"Music is nice. Don't bury it on your past." Jennie said "Ludwig Van Beethoven, Symphony No.9 in D Minor" Jennie said that made Rosè look at her. Jennie just gave her, her famous gummy smile and continue walking leaving Rosè shock.

Rosè's pov

You walked happily while you left me frozen on my spot. 'Is she a musician?' The first question that my brain asked.

She is...she is the right one, don't let her go from now on my brain shouted to me "Park chaeyoung-ah! Are you gonna stand there until your legs shake?" She yelled cutely that made me smile

We just met...but why am I so comfortable to have her on my side?

Is she really the one? Is she the one who's gonna remove this curse to me?
I hope she is....

Jennie Kim. You made me feel things that I haven't felt before.

So yeah. I decided to continue this story😄just gonna re write the chapter 2 and we're ready to proceed to the new chapters.

If this is kinda familiar...yes this is inspired in Your Lie on April

If y'all haven't watch that yet...please go ahead and watch it😄😄😄😄

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