The three of them 18+

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Jennie: ughh! Rosè! Harder!

Rosè: *sweating hard* okay okay

Jisoo: *enters the room * hey rosi---- what are you guys doing?!

Lisa: *follows jisoo* what's the matter?

Rosè: *gulp* let me explain---

Lisa: *walks towards rosè* You can't just do that to her only *whispers*

Jisoo: *removes my shirt*

Rosè: *gulp*

Lisa: *removes my shirt* go rosie *smirk*

After a few hours

Lisa: ahhck! That was the best!

Jisoo: ughh! I want more!

Jennie: we should to this often!

Rosè: *panting hard* I hate to be the one who's massaging you guys! Ugh! My shoulder hurts! *stretches my shoulder* Yah! Lalisa! You massage me later!

Lisa: nope. Am not gonna do that. I have something to do with Leo later *wears my shirt*

Rosè: jisoo unnie?

Jisoo: I have an appointment later.

Rosè: Jennie u---

Jennie:I have to go and have a yoga later.

Rosè: the heck.....

And you? Yes you who's reading this...what the fuck is in your mind huh?

HAHAHAHAHAH letzzz just say that...I pranked you again HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Happy april fool's

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