jen's riddles

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Jennie: Rosé come here

Rosé: mwo? (What?)

Jennie: I have a riddle...and if you solve this...I'm gonna let you buy every food you want, and I'm gonna cook it for dinner

Rosé: Oh jinja?!

Jennie: *nods*

Rosé: gimme the question!

Jennie: but wait...there's more

Rosé: okay what is it?

Jennie: if you didn't answer my riddle...You're gonna have to take me to the mall..and gp shopping.

Rosé: deal!

Jennie: okay so...there are 30 cows in the field...20 ate many didn't

Rosé: *misunderstand the question* wait wait...let me repeat the question

Jennie: go ahead

Rosé: there are 30 cows in the field 28 many didn't?

Jennie: *nods* yep

Rosé: *thinks*...Wait what?! I don't get it!

Jennie: There are 30 cows in the field 20 ate many didn't

Rosé: there are 30 cows in the field and 28 many didn't...*thinks again* Babe I don't get it!

Jennie: It's a simple question.

Rosé: Okay fine...i give up


Jennie: *laughs*

Rosé: Yah! Shut up I'm not talking to you!

Jennie: she's right *laughs*

Rosé: wait what? 10?...what? How?!

Jennie: There are 30 cows in the field 20 ate many didn't?

Rosé: Ahh!!! What the fuck?! I thought it's....

Jennie: *laughs* gimme your wallet

Rosé: no!

Jennie: *grabs Rosé's wallet* go change your clothes, we're going to the mall *winks* *walks away*

Rosé: aishh! That shorty!

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