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Rosé and Jennie is in a relationship when Rosé's family announced that Rosé will be arranged marriage to their bussiness partner's only daughter Hyeri

Rosé and Jennie stayed still in their relationship. Rosé and Hyeri's engagement party came that's when Rosé decided to tell everyone and infront of Jennie that...the one that she truly loves is Jennie and not Hyeri...

"I have something to tell to everyone" Rosé come up in the stage with a glass of champagne. Everyone pay their attention to Rosé

It's now or never...Rosé said to herself. She look at Jennie...the girl who loves and believes in her...but then she also look at her family and Hyeri.

Jennie is now standing at the back...waiting for her girl to announce that Rosé doesn't want to be married to someone she doesn't love.

But then...

Rosé felt fear...fear of losing everything she has. Fear of being kicked in their family. 'Maybe this isn't the right time' Rosé thought

"I...I propose a toast to the girl the I love the most...Lee Hyeri" Rosé raise her glass of champagne and everyon clapped including Hyeri who ran up to the stage to hug and kiss her.

Rosé just gave them a smile...to Hyeri's family and to her family. She then look at Jennie...

Jennie left the room and after 2 minutes Rosé followed.

"Jennie...Jennie wait" Rosé grabbed Jennie's wrist.

"Jennie I..." "As expected..." Jennie smiled "I know you can't...you can't leave everythung you have just to be with me" tears are now visible in her eyes

"Jennie..Listen...I'll fix..." "there's nothing to fix Rosé" Jennie said as she take off the ring that Rosé gave to her as the sign of their love "I mean...who would want to be with a poor girl like me right?...you said you love me but you're too scared to fight for us?...should I be the one who should always fight for us?! ...you're a coward Rosé" Jennie's tears starts falling down her cheeks as she throw the ring to Rosé

"We're done" Jennie said before running away from her.

5 years later

After 2 years of Rosé and Hyeri's arrange marriage...both of then decided to file a divorce since the company of their parents are permanently merged.

Rosé and Hyeri parted their ways and promise to each other to stay friends. Hyeri met a new person she truly loves and also loves her while Rosé...

Rosé stayed single to wait for Jennie that she once love and hurt.

"Jennie?" Rosé approached as she saw finally see her once again.

"Jennie?! Is that really you?!" Rosé said "Rosé..." Jennie said surprised "I've been waiting for you for so long" Rosé hugged her.

"Mommy..." a kid called making Rosé pull away the hug "Oh...there you are sweetie" Jennie said before bending towards the girl with a dumpling like cheek like Jennie's

"The line in the girl's bathroom is soooooooo long!" Another tall woman approached "Oh..hi there!" The tall woman greeted Rosé..."who is she mommy" the kid asked.

Rosé just look at them "Ah...Lisa...this is Rosé...my...my collage friend...Rosé this is Lisa, my wife" Jennie introduced "Hi! Nice meeting you...Rosé" Lisa smiled and shake her hand "Baby say hi to mommy's friend" Lisa said to the kid "Hi!" The kid said cheerfully

"Hi..."Rosé just smiled. "I'll give you girls some time to talk...okay? I'll wait for you" Lisa kissed Jennie's forehead before carrying the kid and walking away. Jennie gave Lisa a smile and watch them leave.

"You-you're married" Rosé said "3 years" Jennie showed the ring " she fought for me" Jennie said making Rosé look down "The thing that I never did" Rosé said "You know...you should be happy...I mean..I heard about the divorce so...You should find someone else that'll make you happy...and will be good enough to pass your family's standards" Jennie smiled before walking away.

Leaving Rosé with the feeling of regret

I should've fought...

I should've acted brave...I should've chose to be with you....

I'm sorry Jennie

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