Lover chapt 1: The new employee

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Manoban's company

"Please welcome our new employee Rosè!" Mr. Jang happily said that made everyone clap their hands "Hello, my name is Park Chaeyoung and I am very happy to work with you guys!" Said Rosè before bowing to them. "Where's manager Kim? I thought she'll be here now?" Said Mr. Kim not noticing the new employee "Mr. Kim...please welcome our new employee" their co workers said making Mr. Kim face rosè and bow to her "Oh,I'm sorry for not noticing you" Mr. Kim said before smiling to her "Kim Seok Jin, the Co manager of the team" Seok Jin introduced himself before smiling "Nice to meet you sir" Ms. Park bowed again

"Please call Ms. Kim now, she can't be late. We have a new employee" Mr. Kim said before walking away.

Jennie's house
J's pov

I got woken up when I heard my phone's ring. I groaned in frustration "Another day another head ache" I said before picking up the phone "what?" "Ms. Kim, where are you? You should be here now! Don't tell me you're late again?!" I remove my phone to my ear when I heard Kim Seok Jin's voice raising to me "You done?" I asked, annoying him more. "Aishh! Jennie Kim!" He half yelled. "Yah, Kim Seok Jin. You might be older and taller than me, but I'am still you're senior huh!" I said before hearing him scoff

"Yah!how dare you to scoff at me like that huh?" "Yes, your position is higher than mine, but please do act like a real manager. If you have problems, then keep it out of the working line. This is so unprofessional Ms. Kim,we have a new employee and yet you're throwing a tantrum like a 5 year old kid who doesn't want to go to school does" said Seok Jin, irrating me more. "Who are you to say that to me?" I said sarcastically before scoffing "Seok Jin-ah, you don't know anything about me so you don't have to nag me okay?...and besides, I don't have to act like a Manager because I am already a manager" I said not letting him speak before hanging up.

I got up from my bed and did my morning routine

Manoban's company

"Good morning Ms. Ki---" the guard didn't finished his sentence because of Ms. Kim who suddenly threw her car keys to the guard, gladly the guard caught it. "Park my car" Ms. Kim said coldly before walking in. "Good morning Ms. Kim" every employee greeted when they see Ms. Kim, but the brunette didn't even bother to give them a bow nor a smile.

"Ah! Ms. Kim! You're here!" Mr. Jang greeted as soon as Jennie stepped on their Group's working station "Stop acting weird and show me where's the new employee" Ms. Kim coldly said "aishh! Did you had a coffee today Ms. Kim? Seems like you haven't---" "If you continue talking to me like I'm just one of your closes friends, then you should start packing your things now because tomorrow, there will be no job that's gonna wait for you here" Ms. Kim said making Mr. Jang gulp. Mr. Jang was about to say something when..."Ms. Kang, where's the new employee?" Ms. Kim called a random employee

"She's on her working station ma'am" Ms. Kang said "Tell her to go to my office" Ms. Kim said before eyeing Mr. Jang and walking away.

Jennie's office

"Hello ma'am, my name is Park Chaeyount, but you can call me Rosè" Rosè introduced before bowing "Goodmorning to you too...have a sit" said Jennie before sitting down on the couch too. "I saw your resumè last week and I can really tell that you have a potential to do such a job"said Jennie making Rosè smile "Yes ma'am. I can do anything you tell me." Said Rosè before smiling, Jennie eyed her from head to toe.

"Anything?" Jennie asked before walking towards Rosè leaving a small space between them. Rosè nodded before Jennie leaned in into a kiss.

"Ms. Kim?....Ms. Kim? Are you okay?" Jennie snapped out of her thought when Rosè called her "Huh? Uh...yeah I'm fine...where are we by the way?" Ms. Kim said before looking at her resumè again. "I can do anything you want ma'am" Rosè said and smiled to her "Th-that's good" Ms. Kim stuttered "Since this is your first day. You will just handle easy jobs that your co workers will give to you...except for buying them a coffee, you don't have to do that" Ms. Kim said before crossing her leg "Yes ma'am" Said rosè while smiling "and one more thing. " Ms. Kim said "Yes ma'am?" "Don't smile too much when you're in my that?" Jennie stated making Rosè nod. " off you go Ms. Park" Ms. Kim said before standing up, Rosè stand up to before bowing and leaving her office

What is this strange feeling that I'm feeling right now.....that annoying feeling that I've felt before I met.....

"Ms. Kim" Ms. Kim heard the voice behind her making her clench her fist.

Before I met her...

Lalisa...Lalisa Manoban. The girl who ruined my life.


Early bird update for everyone

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