Bacon stuffy

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Chaennie being spotted in LA in a kid's toys store. Probably buying some gift for someone's kid I guess...but here's a short oneshot for ya'll

Rosé: how 'bout this one? this one's cute

Jennie: yes. we should get that

Rosé: *puts it in the cart*

Jennie: hubby can we get this?

Rosé: What the hell is that?

Jennie: oh come on! that's such a weird reaction for a stuffy

Rosé: It looks weird! 

Jennie: It's a bacon stuffy!

Rosé: babe, I'm telling you. You're gonna scare the hell out of the baby if the baby sees that

Jennie: Wae?!

Rosé: 'Cause it looks so weird! Look! it's eyes looks like it's gonna pop out!

Jennie: well I'll still get it

Rosé: you serious? it looks scary!

Jennie: It's not for the baby Park Chaeyoung. It's for me

Rosé: We came here to buy gifts for the baby not for you

Jennie: just one stuffy *puts it in the cart*

Rosé: not sure about that

*3 hours later*

Manager: It looks like y'all bought too many gifts for that baby?

Rosé: *Give the two bags full of stuffies to the body guards* nope 

Manager: what?

Jennie: hubby! you forgot the gift for the baby! *gives Rosé the small paper bag*

Rosé: this...this is for the baby *rolls eyes*

Jennie: *gummy smile* *kisses Rosé's cheeks* ka-ja! (let's go) *gets in the car*

Manager: then whose is that big paper bags?

Rosé: for her manager-nim...for her *gets in the car*

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