sleepy head

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3am in the morning

Jennie: rosè..wake up

Rosè: *sleeping soundly*

Jennie: hubby..wake up!

Rosè: hmmm..what? What do you want?

Jennie: I'm hungry *pouts*

Rosè: I don't know what time is it but please calm down your hormones *goes back to sleeping*

Jennie: no! I'm not horny! I said I'm hungry!

Rosè: *snores*

Jennie:hubbyyyyyyy I'm hungryyyyy *whines like a 5 year old kid*

Rosè: *groans* what do you want?

Jennie: Ice cream

Rosè: what? Ice cream? *grabs the alarm clock* It's 3 in the morning, where am I suppose to find an Ice cream?

Jennie:then let's eat outside *tugs rosè's hoodie*

Rosè: go to sleep baby, it's late *sleeps again*

Jennie: No! I don't want to!...come one let's eat!

Rosè: Gosh! You're on your period not on your pregnancy! Please let me sleep!

Jennie: so you don't love me anymore?

Rosè: *looks at jennie* *groans*

Food park

Jennie: *jumps like a five year old while waiting for the ice cream*

Rosè: *falling asleep*

Jennie: Hubby! Please pay my ice cream!

Rosè: yeah right *gives 50$* keep the change

Vendor: you sure?

Rosè: *yawns* yeah *walks away with Jennie*

Jennie: *eats the ice cream like a kid*

Rosè: you happy?

Jennie: yeah *gummy smiles* oh! I want takoyaki too! Hubby buy me one!

Rosè: *yawns* yeah sure. *gives 15$* to jennie

Jennie: you buy it

Rosè: *groans*

Jennie: *eating takoyaki*

Rosè: *watching her eat* you happy?

Jennie: *nods like a kid*

Rosè: after we get home. Please let me sleep

Jennie: woah! I didn't expect that there's still a claw machine at this time! Let's play hubby!

Rosè: wifey if you get tired again you'll be hungry again so no we're not gonna play.

Jennie: But I want the fox stuffy *pouts*

Rosè: I'll buy one for you. Continue eating

Jennie: *eats takoyaki* mm! This is so good! Do you want some hub--- *saw rosè fell asleep* really? You're sleeping here? Hubby? Wake up!

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