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Chaennie at the grocery store

Rosé: What else do we need?...oh...maybe we can get some of these?

Jennie: you're really gonna fill our cart with chips?

Rosé: it's a 2 months stock wifey *still getting some chips*

Jennie: whatever you say

A kid suddenly came running

Kid: chips! Chips! *starts getting chips and making the other chips fall on the floor*

Jennie: hey kid! Watch out!

Kid: shut up lady!

Rosé: *widens my eyes*

Jennie: excuse me?

Rosé: wifey...

Kid: *still getting some chips and throwing some on the floor*

Jennie's thought: calm down it's just a kid

Jennie: *play nice* ohh how about *bends on the kid's height* I'll give you some of my candies if you pick that up? That's a good deal eh?? *smiles*

Kid: no! I'm not gonna pick that up and I don't want your candy! *throws a can of pringles to Jennie*

Rosé: y-yah! Jennie are you ok---

Jennie: *chuckles* *stands up* I got this *smiles at Rosé* *grabs the can of pringles* you're not gonna pick that up?

Kid: no *laughs* Die first

Jennie: oh yeah? *clench the pringles* THEN FUCKING TAKE THIS YOU LITTLE SHIT

She threw the can of pringles to the kid's face making the kid's nose to bleed

The kid started crying before the kid's mom came running

Kid's mom: what did you do to my kid?! Oh my god baby *comforts the kid*

Rosé: Ma'am we are very so---

Jennie: Your dumbass kid just threw a fucking can of pringles to me. It hit my goddamn nose and he is being a fucking brat to know what?! Screw it!

Kid's mom: I'm call the police!

Jennie: me too we are calling the police!

Rosé: w-we are?

Jennie: *gets Rosé's phone*

Kid's mom: my husband is a lawyer!

Jennie: my girlfriend's sister is a lawyer and I don't give a damn!

People around: did she just messed with a kid?

Rosé: *smiles around* ...Hi...nothing to see here.

Jennie: *continue arguing*

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