teacher (chapter spoilers)

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Kkay since lot of you didn't get it HAHAHA

Chapter 3 spoiler

"Thanks for meeting me" Ms. Park smiled "I really need some help" I chuckled.

*outside the café*

"Is that Jennie?" Lisa looked closely "eh?? Why is she with Ms. Park?"
Lisa look closely as Ms. Park move closer to here to see what's on her laptop. Lisa gritted her teeth thinking that Ms. Park is taking advantage to Jennie

On the other hand Ms. Park secretly smiled knowing that her bestfriend is watching them. She moved closer "Hmm. I think you should write more from your heart...I want to see more of the emotion" She said and Jennie turned to her face and ended up being startled because of how Ms. Park is close

"Oh...uh..yes" Jennie gulped "Is this okay?" Ms. Park asked while looking at Jennie. Lisa gritted her teeth from the outside as she look at them "I think you're too close ma'am" Jennie honestly said making Ms. Park chuckle "I mean the chapter...well that's okay I'll move" Ms. Park move her chair making Jennie blush in embarassment

Chapter 4 spoiler

"N-no...please don't do this!" He yelled making the woman chuckle "Look at you begging for me to not do it. Do you know that bullying is bad?" She played with the knife "Yes...yes...I am not gonna do it again! I promise! Please I beg you!" He begged making her chuckle

"How pathetic" She grabbed him by his hair before killing him in such a painful way.

After he died she wiped her face because some blood squirted at her face before taking a photo of the dead body and writing something on the paper "If you cooperated well I could've had a better photo" She chuckled before putting him inside the bag. She put her hood on before going outside.

She placed the body near the river before leaving the note

"Bullying is bad" the note says.

Chapter 5 (spoiler)

"Are you free?" Jennie recieved a text while reading a book. She opened the phone and saw Ms. Park's text "This lunch? Yes Teacher...I'm free" Jennie immedietly replied

"Then let's eat lunch together! I'll send you the location" Ms. Park replied with a cute GiF making Jennie chuckle "Okay!👌" Jennie cheerfully replied before turning off her phone

"Hey nini...are you free this lunch?" Lisa suddenly appeared "Oh Lili! You startled me!" Jennie hit her playfully "I'm sorry but I have to study in the library this lunch" Jennie stood up and gathered her things "Then...can I come?" Lisa insisted "I'm sorry lili...I want to be alone" Jennie smiled and was about to walk away when Lisa grabbed her wrist

"Why are you so distant?" Lisa finally asked "N-no I'm not?" Jennie faced her "Yes you are....it seems like you're always busy, you never eat lunch with me...you don't have time to walk with me when going home. You didn't watched our basketball play last week...Jennie did I do something?" Lisa let go of her hand "N-no...Lili you didn't do anything wrong...I...I'm just busy" Jennie said before sighing

"I promise! This weekend I'll spend some time with you in your dorm!" Jennie smiled making Lisa smile slightly "Really?" Lisa asked and Jennie nod "Yes but...for the mean time...I have to go buh-bye!" Jennie said in a hurry before running away.

Lisa sighed "okay"

Alaiwaaaaa! Too much spoiler eh??

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