Chapter 5

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Veronica's POV

When me and Zayn was done, we went back to the party. People was giving us suspicious looks, but I only ignored them. I was hanging with the most awesome and handsome guy at this party. I don't care if someone is being rude to me. I turned around to meet Zayn's face.

"Aren't you suppose to hang with you lads?" I asked him. He looked at me with a smile, gosh we were really standing close to each other.

"I don't even know where they are" he said and tore his gaze away from me to search for his friends.

"Look at Harry!" he said and laughed while he pointed at Harry who were standing with his partner, I think her name is Madison, with crossed arms, not giving Madison a look while he was staring at another girl, she was also competing I think, but she was all into another guy who I don't know. I giggled at him.

"But Harry has a really good talent that I'm jealous of" I looked at Zayn with raised eyebrows. What could Harry have that Zayn don't have. Come on, Zayn is Bradford badboy?! Harry just got his curls.

"and exactly what would that be?" I asked him curious while we watched Harry.

"He can look at a girl, checking her out and so on, you know, Harry" he said and I shot one of my famous adorable smiles at him. He suddenly forgot what he was going to say as he stared at me and he shook his head fast and tried to remember what he was thinking about.

"You were saying..." I said, and tried to make him keep talking so I could stare a little more.

"yeah, right... Harry can check out a girl that is like 20 meters away, while his ears are completely with in the other girls talk. Damn, what if I could have that in me..." I said and we continued to stare at Harry.

"Should we save him? It seems like she talks a lot" I said and looked over at Zayn.

"yeah sure" I cought him staring at me once again. We walked over at them and when Harry had spotted us he looked relieved. We gave him a smile and he hugged first me and then Zayn.

"Veronica" I said while he hugged me.

"Harry" he said, although I knew that more then well.

"I'm Madison" the girl said and shook my hand while she gave me a murdering look. Haha. She thought that I was stealing Harry from her.

"So what were you talking about?" Harry gave me a fast answer:

"Nothing." But Madison gave me another answer.

"Oh, just how good you two would make as a couple" I was really surprised. They knew we had been watching them? Didn't see that coming. I blushed a little, but Zayn didn't. He just laughed out loud. Why were he laughing? Really? Was he embarrassed of me?

"Really?" I asked while Zayn tried to stop laughing.

"Yeah, we just watched you go out in the woods together and we thought that you might..." oh my god. Did she think that we was making out in the woods? HAHA. Now I burst in laugh as well. I like this girl, she is so awkwardly hilarious.

Harry's POV

What was Madison talking about? We had been talking about what was cutest on kittens, a rosette or a partyhat. Apparently she watched them as they walked together to the woods (seriously what were they doing in there?!) and then she must got mad or something, maybe she likes Zayn and got jealous? I don't understand her. She's more difficult than most women. Both Veronica and Zayn were almost laying on the ground laughing while I and Madison gave each other awkward looks. Why were they laughing so hard?

"But really, what were you doing?" I gave Zayn a challenging look which told him that I was going to find out anyway. They both stopped laughing and Veronica gave Zayn a deadserious look that made me want to know even more what they just did.

"Well, nothing special..." Zayn was staring at the ground while he tried to hide something. This was fun.

"Well you did something?" I said and forced him to answer my question. Zayn gave Veronica a look and she responded him with an 'say something!' look.

"Actually... um...Madison was right... we were m-m-making out" he said and I dropped my jaw.

Niall's POV

By the little I heard of her voice, I could tell that it was amazing. She was singing in a whisper, but I could still tell that it was a beautiful and if she would train and sing more it would be strong enough to give be goosebumps. Okay, that will be my goal these two weeks, to have her sing to me with a strong and confident voice. She moved her fingers on the strings as she changed chords and I had an extra eye on her nails. They were painted in gold glitter with some black stripes crossed over in different directions. How could she even do that? With her left hand!? Wow, women are good at stuff that seem impossible for us men. She finished the song "Hey there Delilah" with a simple drag over the strings and she turned to me with a smile, oh sorry. A PERFECT smile. A beautiful smile. A ridiculous, annoyingly gorgeous smile. I gave her an applaud.

"That was amazing. You should get singing lessons, I can help you" I offered her and she answered my offer with a blush. Awwwww... she's so cute.

"No thanks, I'm more focusing on the guitar" she said and dragged a hand over my beloved guitar. I nodded. Then she handed over the guitar to me and then I saw Zayn, Harry and two girls standing and talking. Harry had a surprised look on his face and both Zayn and one of the girls looked insecure while one girl only stood there with a sad face. I wanted to know what was going on, and that was why I asked Annie if we should be heading over to them.

"Should we join them?" I asked her and she nodded at my pointing. When we came over to their group Harry was still staring at the girl and Zayn with his mouth open.

"What's up?" Harry turned to me and explained:

"Zayn just told me..."

"AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPREAD IT" the girl next to Zayn almost screamed at Harry and then she forced a smile to her face but Harry gave her a suspicious look.

"as I said..." Harry continued.

"AS VERONICA SAID, DON'T SPREAD IT!" Zayn interrupted Harry.

"They have been making out in the woods" The other girl, next to Harry said like it wasn't a big deal and none of Veronica or Zayn had the chance to stop her. I dropped my jaw. This was not like Zayn. He might be the bad boy of us lads, but he would never go out in the woods and start to kiss a girl he just met. Seriously, I wouldn't have the guts to do that.

"SERIOUSLY ZAYN?!" I yelled out when Liam, Louis and Alexandra joined us.

"What is seriously Zayn?" Louis asked us and our group grew bigger.

"NOTHING!" Zayn said and gave both me and Harry a deathlook.

"He was making out with Veronica for a quarter straight" I said, guessing about the time.

"Seriously Niall? Think of her! She dosen't even know you guys and now you're just making her look like a whore!" Zayn said with anger in his voice, really not thinking. We all drew our breath as Veronica gave him a deathlook. She thought for a tiny second and then she crossed her arms as she asked Zayn:

"You think I'm a whore?" She bit her lip as she gave him a challenging look.

"Not in that way..." Zayn said and tried to not screw things up between them. Good work Zayn.

"Okay, so in another way I'm a whore but just not in THAT way?!" Veronica pushed Zayn into a corner and I couldn't help to not let out a small laughter.

"Come on, Veronica, you know I didn't mean in that way okay? Let it go" Zayn said an she shook her head and shoulders (that brings you confidence. Haha)

"You are moving faaaaast" Liam said and gave Zayn a smile and now Zayn actually looked happy and he nodded and laid a arm around Veronica's shoulders. Yes Liam, they are moving fast. Faster then the lightning.

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