Chapter 45

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Thank you all for all the reads and votes! It's really fun to see that there's someone reading the story. Thank you lovelies :*


Zayn's POV

To finally have that said was a bit of a relief. I've been thinking about it a lot and to actually tell Barbie how I feel is just great. Maybe she now understands that I'm not that badboy inside and out. I actually have a heart too. I went inside again and I just observed what was happening in the room. Annie and Niall seemed to finally be on good terms again, they were at least standing and talking to each other with smiles on their faces. Harry and Hannah danced slowdance to the slowest song I've ever heard and I could see in Hannah's faceexpression that she was deep lost in Harry's eyes. Louis and Madison were nowhere to be seen which is kind of weird actually. I sat down on the couch and grabbed a coke from the coffeetable in front of me.

"Ey what's up man? Where's V?" Josh came and took a seat beside me. I was a little confused to see him here, he wasn't here before I went out on the balcony with Barbie and he didn't really fit in our gang or whatever you should call it. It was always the lads, I and all the girls except for Alice who were hanging out. They never were with us and to see him here, just chilling was kind of confusing somehow.

"She's out smoking" I answered in a hushed tone because I didn't want anyone to hear me. Just because I and Barbie had a fight it doesn't mean that want her to get in trouble.

"She's still up with that? I thought you goodieboy changed her" He laughed a mocking laugh and ate some peanuts. Just his presense around me annoyed me, just him sitting there just a few inches beside me made me pissed off - but him actually calling me a goodieboy made me furious. But I kept it inside, I can't punch Josh, I don't want another lecture from Louis.

"Josh, let me tell you something. Barbie, or 'V' as you like to call her is a good person deep inside and you are just not helping her to get out that person you know." with that I took the peanutbowl and left him in the couch, but he wasn't giving up that easy.

"And who the hell do you think I am? You think imma drug her down or something?" He pushed me threathingly just as guys always do before the fight begins. A couple of peanuts fell out from the bowl I was holding. I put the bowl down and took a couple of steps back.

"I never said that. I just told you that you might have a bad influence on her" I didn't want to start a fight, but at the same time this guy really pissed me off. I mean, he's just too much.

"Bad influence?" he mimicked me."Who were the one sneaking away with her the first day smoking? Who is it that've been smoking with her all along and not telling her to quit? That wasn't me, oh that was you" Suddenly the music made an abrubt stop and everyone gathered around me and Josh. I kept my eyes focused on Josh's as we were having a starecontest, but I could see from the corner of my eyes how everyone was confused. I have no idea how Josh got that information, but right now that didn't matter.

"Wait, Veronica smokes too?" Hannah squealed with a annyoing tone. I didn't answer her and neither did Josh, we were just staring at each other with all our hatred against each other leaking out.

"You told them?!" This made my head snap from Josh's eyes though. Barbie was standing there with her black skinny jeans to a nice suiting white shirt, while she had her hands out and her face was in a shocking and unbelieving expression. After a second with eyecontact with her I understood that whatever I said she wouldn't believe me. Her face went from shocked to hard. She was really pissed of by now. She took some heavy and fast steps towards me with those black highheels before she gave me another knee in my balls.

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