Chapter 40

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Zayn’s POV

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” I took a firm grip on Harry’s shoulder and pushed him away from Barbie.

“I’m finishing what you couldn’t do” Harry said cocky and even though I love this guy from the bottom of my heart, my emotions came first in this situation.

I knocked him down.

My fist connected with his jaw and I was actually quite glad I did it, the adrenaline made me feel stronger. Barbie stood beside us with a dropped jaw and impressed eyes. That made me want to make this even better, or worse, I don’t know what. I sat on top of Harry and began to hit him multiply times in his head and he didn’t have a chance to do anything at all.

By now the music had stopped and people began to make a scene out of this. People were cheering on me, telling me to hit him harder. From the distance I heard Louis and Liam calling my name, but I didn’t care. I had to take out my frustration on Harry right now.

It felt so good to just take out all my frustration and feelings on Harry even though all of it wasn’t because of him. Soon I felt Liam and Louis drag me of Harry and I didn’t fight it. I just stared at Harry there he was laying on the ground, coughing blood. Liam held me as Louis confronted me.

“What are you doing Zayn?!” he pushed my chest. “He’s Harry for God’s sake! Your best mate remember?” I heard Harry groan from the floor behind Louis and Louis went over to help him. People stared at Louis as he helped Harry up on his feet and led him to the exit sign. Liam let me go and before he left me he gave me a disapproving look. I just stood there very awkwardly looking at my hands. The music began to play again and Barbie went up to me. I had no idea if she would be pissed or proud of me. I looked up at her as she walked by me, and she gave me an improving smile before she walked back to the bar.

Did she like this side of me?

Because I’m not sure if I do.

Louis’ POV

2 hours ago

“This is so awesome! I’ve never been to a real club before!” Maddie squealed as we entered the club. She looked so ecstatic, and she was so cute in her dress that didn’t only make her look cute, but also sexy.

“Want to get a drink?” I offered her, and she nodded following me to the bar. We sat down next to Zayn and Veronica, but they didn’t even acknowledge us. When I was about to pay Maddie’s drink though, another hand stretched forward and paid it before I could. Both me and Maddie glanced up to the owner of the hand and honestly I wasn't surprised when I saw that it was Jeremy. But I was surprised when I saw that he was shirtless. Like what? Who walks around shirtless in a club? That's just weird – or just Jeremy Stratford.

“I got that Louis, I'll pay for her” he said and gave me a quick glance and then his eyes was fixed on Maddie again. His eyes were full of – urgh – lust and I could see that he was about to rape Maddie soon. She on the other hand didn't see that at all, she just giggled and was quite cute as always and tried to be flirty back. I felt the anger and jealousy grow inside of me and I wanted to murder Jeremy. Both he and I know that he can steal my girl; the big question is just if he will do it. 

”Beautiful, beautiful lady, will you dance with me?” he asked her and a frown appeared on my face.

He doesn't even know her name.

“Yes” my head snapped up at Maddie's voice and I dropped my jaw a bit when I saw them walking hand in hand over to the dance floor. Jeremy held her hand in his and his other hand was placed on her lower back, just like he was going to lead the way. She walked there with her high heels that she so gladly told me before that she loved. As I was staring at their backs someone took a seat beside me.

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