Chapter 38

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Annie's POV

I closed everything out.

Threw every thought away. 

I threw out Niall out of my head for just a second. It was so nice to just forget about him for a moment. All day he's been running through my head, and I can still not make up my mind about him. I don't know if I'll be able to live with the memory of him kissing another girl, but I still know another thing for sure - I love him.

There I go again thinking of him. I closed my eyes, took my Ipod and my headphones in and pressed the first song that came up on the screen. I smiled when I heard which one it was; "Hey there delilah".

Just as I heard the first strums of guitar in my ear I began to miss my guitar. I had to leave it just when I got it. Tomorrow was my birthday, and I can only imagine it will be the worst so far. With a cheating boyfriend (are we still a couple?) around and a big competition telling me that I have to trust him and so on, yes. Yes, it will be the worst birthday ever.

Oh it's what you're doing to me,

what you do to me

Suddenly the song blasted even louder in my ears, just like it was trying to tell me something. My mind wandered back to the day when I had shyly played the song to Niall on the bench just before our first mission. It wasn't awkward at all, in fact that was sweet. I really liked him back then, because he seemed like the perfect guy. NEWS FLASH. Niall Horan isn't perfect, and neither will anyone be. Sure, we all have our flaws, but you should be able to have your lips in control when you actually are dating someone. 

And that set my mind.

I will forgive Niall, maybe one day.

But it will never, I repeat - never - , be us again.

Harry's POV

"So you've been pretending to like each other to make us jealous while we have been doing the exact same thing?" Alex asked Liam and Hannah and Liam nodded, but Hannah seemed a bit confused.

"What?" she asked and Alex rolled her eyes at her.

"Hannah, Harry and Alex have been pretending to like each other to make us jealous" Liam explained to her.

"But that's what we did" she protested.

"Exactly. They have been doing the same thing as us" he said with a clear voice, just like she was stupid. Well, she kind of was, but stupid in a cute way. 

"So that means that Harry likes me?" she squealed and that brought a smile to my lips. I looked over att Liam who nodded at her. I walked over to her and took her hand before meeting those magical eyes, they were truly beautiful. 

We walked down the path down to the lake, not saying anything, just walking and enjoying that we finally could be together. After all this drama it is good to be with Hannah, how I've missed her. How much I've just wanted to hold her in my arms. Now, she's finally mine. 

"Harry" she pulled back my hand a bit, just a gesture to make me stop walking. I turned to her and smiled when I saw her face. 

"What is it love?" I asked her.

"Why did we wait for this to happen? Why couldn't it be like this from the whole start?" I snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her body closer to mine. 

"Because we were just stupid enough to not see our love for each other" I huskly whipered near her ear and I felt a shiver run through her body. Great to know that I have a such effect on her. 

"Harry" she let out a shaky whisper and I pulled back a bit so I could see her face. She looked a bit nervous actually. "May I kiss you?" 



I didn't even respond. The questions answer was to obvious. Without any hestitation I crashed my lips to hers and her hands flung to my hair, going through it a couple of times, while I just held her as close to me as possible. When we broke the kiss, I looked at her and smiled, and she smiled back. 

"I really hope you're not another player, because I've had enough of those" I just stared at her as I rememberd something. The bet. Zayn and I's bet. I've kissed 3/6 girls, but I didn't think that I have to sneak behind Hannah's back. I didn't think it would go so fast before I got her. I am in some deep shit.

"What do you mean?" We began to walk again.

"I once dated a player, or... 'dated' is the wrong word, I was with a player, then we screwed and I haven't seen him since. He broke my heart, and I just really hope you wouldn't do that. Or what Niall did" her gaze were borring into my profile as she stared at me, while I tried to keep a straight face.

"Mmhmm" was all I said, trying to not blow of my cover.

Liam's POV

"Oh my god! How good it felt to knock the guts out of that girl!" Alex said, truly happy about her winning the fight between her and Hannah. And yeah, Alex did beat the crap out of Hannah, and she did it without a shirt, which makes it even cooler.

"I bet! Can't believe all of this was just a big misunderstanding" I said, shaking my head as I gazed down to my hand, to check if it really happened. Yes, Alex was holding my hand. And yes, it was sending tingles all over my body. Creepy.

"So weird" Alex said, gazing away in the horisont. Time to speak up and be a softy.

"Alex. There is something I want you to know" she turned her head to me and flashed a smile. My heart began to pick up pace just because I just threw a quick, quick, quick glance at those pink pulp lips. 

"I'm listening" 

"I really, really like you. We have known of each other for almost two weeks soon, and... after that we won't see each other much more, I just want you to know that I really, really like you, and I would love to see you after all this crappy competition-thingy" I said and blushed. 

"I would love that too Liam" she said and her smile grew wider. The sight of her long hair, falling onto her shoulders made my inside go warm. Gosh, I love this girl. I slowly tilted my head down and our lips met for the second time today. And dare I say this but - inside, I was going insane. 


wooooow... this was a crappy chapter. *puh* 

but guess what? I have summervacation and I will probaboly buy my own computer soon which means... DUMDUMDUM


so please give me some thinkings you have about my story or about this chapter:D

What do you think of Annie's decision for example? :)


evylonn: Hannah you are so stupid.

Hannah: Well thank you, bitch .

evylonn: Finally someone that thinks that Hannah is a big fat ugly bitch^^ and nice stomach by the way ;3

Alex: Thank you! and yeah . ugh, can't almost handle the bitch anymore!

evylonn: Haha. you touched her boob. tihi

Louis: and that was NOT on purpose I sweaaaar!

Harry: Yeah right, we all know that you're perverted. 

Louis: I'm not!

Alice: Louis you've called me hot and sexy about 70 times.

Louis: psschhttt

Thank you so much for all the comments so far! :) Brings me up and it makes me upload faster too :D

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