Chapter 46

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Excuse the mistakes. 

Happy reading! :D

Chapter 46

Hannah's POV

I officially hate poop.

And I officially hate Jeremy.

Sure, he's hot and he's a great singer, actor and all that shit, but he forced me to shovel shit and that's not okay. Do you know how many hours I've spent in that stinky box to pick up shit. I don't care if the guy who made me do it is hot or not.

Imma shoot him.

"Okay, everyones done. Can we all gather around here?"

I walked out of my and Liam's box and dropped the shovel to the ground with a loud sound. I walked with slumpy steps towards the others while my arms were hanging low to show the other teams and Jeremy that I was not only exhausted but not happy at all. Liam on the other hand was mostly annoyed. Honestly, I don't understand him, I mean come on, I did help him, even though he's telling me otherwise. He kept telling me to shovel more shit while I was already doing it. I don't understand how I can be not shoveling shit while I'm shoveling shit. I guess Liam has no logic in his head at all.

And he's the smart one in One Direction?

Hah, funny.

"So I see Hannah is pretty happy" Jeremy made a sarcastic smart remark with a bright grin on his face as he saw me. In return I gave him a sarcastic smile while the other laughed a bit. These yellow suits we were wearing were not onyl really uncomfortable but really ugly too! That hat that they made me wear to protect my hair was even worse. I can't remember signing up for this while I entered that lottery in first place.

"Hannah, I don't get why you're upset, Liam did all the work" Alex told me and I could see the amusment in her eyes when my gaze on her turned black and stared her down.

"I did a lot of work too, in fact I did a lot more than Liam" I crossed my arms over my chest and made my boobs look a little bit bigger than they really were. But when I said those words Liam cleared his throath just like he didn't really agree with me.

"You didn't do more than me." He said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah I did" I protested and looked at Liam with big eyes. Amusment could be seen in his eyes too.

"Hannah, you checked out your nails for atleast half of the time and not to meantion when you complained about what we were doing, or should I say about what I were doing and what you were clearly NOT doing" In the corner of my eye I could see Alex break out in laughter but I kept my eyes fixed on Liam. He had an annoying little grin on his face.

"Okay, lets just check on who won this whole thing. Calm down Hannah." Jeremy's annoying creep voice kept talking on an on and I just wanted to shoot him, Liam and Alex for being so mean to me. I officially hate being here.

"You okay?"

right after I thought that thought I could hear a dark, husky voice behind me. Harry, oh my Harry, asked me if I was alright just before he placed a small kiss on my chin. He placed his yellow-clothed arms around me and hugged me from behind.

"No" I answered stubbornly and held my arms around myself a little bit tighter. I could feel another kiss on my cheek.

"I'm here if you want to talk later" Okay, maybe it's not so bad being here after all. I still have Harry and he's one who understands, unlike the others. I mean, Liam didn't have french medicure he had to take care of when he shoveled shit. I can't help that I'm a girl and that I like to have nice nails. If he was a girl he would understand, and sure, Alex is a girl if you look at her biologicly. But lets face it, inside her she's a really nerdy boy stuck in a girls body. Everybody knows it but no ones dares to say it. Guess that makes Liam gay... ew...

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