Chapter 31

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Louis POV

"LOUIS! catch!" Harry yelled at me as he threw the last bag to my arms and then I stuffed it in to through the tailgate. 

"Was that the last one?" I asked before I closed the door to the luggagespace. 

"Yep" Harry responded to me, popping the 'p'. 

15 minutes later we were all stuffed in different cars, and I was in the same car as Alex, Harry and Maddie. I was in the passengerseat while I made Harry be squeezed with Maddie and Alex in the backseat. Alex were placed in the middle as everyone saw her as the smallest one -  which she also were. But the strangest thing was that even though Harry and Alex were a couple, they didn't touch each other. They didn't even say a word to each other on the enitire trip. We had been going for around 20 minutes now and the only sound that were hearable was the car as we drove on the road and the radio playing "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift somewhere in the back ground. 

Something is not right.

Alex and Harry is always all lovey dovey and now they just stopped? Something is deffinitley up. 

"Okay, spit it out. What's wrong?" I said and turned to the backseat. Maddie looked like she had the exact same thought as a concerned face turned up on her scull.

"What?" Harry asked, annoyed that I disturbed his thoughts. 

"Well, you are always loveydovey all the time and now you're just sitting there, barley touching each other! What happened?!" Maddie asked. Harry blinked slowly with his black eye while he gave Alex a look.

"Yeah, and how the hell did you get that eye?" I asked and reached to touch the area around his eye that were now covered in black. 

"DON'T TOUCH IT! it hurts loui" Harry gave me a glare, as he covered his eye slightly with his hand.

"Well, I will keep poking it until you tell me how you got it" I said and reached over once again to touch it. Harry got a strange face on and then he yelled out:

"FINE! I'll tell you. Liam gave it to me" 

My jaw dropped. 


No way.

Liam would NEVER do that.


Ppssshhht, you're not fooling me Harry.

"What? LIAM did that?" Maddie asked confused and touched Harry's eye.

"STOP TOUCHING IT!" he smacked away Maddie's hand and sighed. "yes he did, and I don't understand why there's such a fuss about it. We're guys, we get mad so what?"

I blinked three times while I stared at him for a minute. 

"Harry. This is LIAM we're talking about. He wouldn't hurt anyone, especially not YOU" I said and tried to convince Harry that what he said wasn't the truth... 

Wow Louis, that really sounded stupid.

"Yeah, I havn't known Liam for so long, but I can still say that he is not the kind of person that would hurt anyone, and not his best mate either."

"What did you do to make him hit you?" I added to Maddies comment. 

"I kissed Alexandra right in front of him" 

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