Chapter 37

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Niall's POV

I had to do this.

I had to do this for Annie.

I had to do this for me.

I had to do this for us.

I can't stand the fact that she is dissapointed in me, or that I hurt her. Even though she was smiling this morning, I still can't forget the expression she had right before she ran off. I can't believe how I succeded to do something so extremley stupid. I can't believe that I actually kissed Alice back. But - Alice kissed me first. Why did Alice kiss me? Does Alice have an intrest in me?

"okay, Niall, I have mixed the spiders, flyes and added some bear-pee into that. I have three drinks right here. I'll be pouring some other nasty stuff in this bathtub about three, two, one..."

I had my eyes steady on Annie's as I was giving her a look that told her that she could trust me. That I would never do the same mistake ever and that I just want to go back 24 hours in time. Do it over and do it right. I want Annie back and I need Annie back.

She's my everything

"and... DRINK"

I tore my eyes away from Annie's as I quickly grabbed one of the drinks. My first realization was that the glass I was currentley holding on to was warm. I thought that it would be cold, but apperantley it was fresh bear-pee. Just the smell of the liquid made my stomach want to turn inside and out, but when I heard a scream escaping from Annie's bathtub, I found the curage to just let it slip down my throath. I tried not to think about the taste, but it was hard when it floated over my tongue. It was so disgusting. Too disgusting. I felt a part of my stomach trying to get up, but I held it down and took the second drink. Annie didn't scream anymore, which meant that she had calmed down a bit or... she was dead.

I really hope for the first alternative. I took the two other drinks and after that I had to wait atleast ten seconds without puking, and if I did that I had succeeded in our first challenge with Jeremy.

I knew we would have some kind of prize if we won, but honestley the only prize I care about is winning Annie's heart back.

"DONE, well done Horan. Your time is 2, 03. That is really good." Jeremy stated and then he let Annie out from the bathtub. She was out faster than lightning is shown in the sky, and she was by my side soon again.

She didn't say anything, but when we locked stare for 10 seconds I know that I had earned a part of her trust back. That's also why I dared to open my mouth.

"We need to talk" I stated simply. She looked at me first, just like she didn't hear what I just said, but then she nodded slightly and I understood that she was okay with atleast talking it out. That was a huge relief for me, now I atleast get the chance to explain myself.

Veronica's POV

I'm not afraid of spiders or any kind of insect so the challenge wasn't a big deal to me. But Zayn had a hard time not puking, and halvway through the second drink his time was 5,26 and that's also when he puked. We failed. Wihoooo. I don't blame Zayn, not at all actually, I wouldn't have done it better myself. I think we were the last ones and now Jeremy looked at his iPhone where he had written down our resoults.

"Okay, so the worst team today was... Marry." It was kind of comical becuase in team Marry didn't fail because Harry puked, no, Madison flipped out when the first spider entered her bathtub and she opened the lid by herself and jumped out. Harry didn't even get a chance to taste the drinks, which he should be happy about, since they didn't smell too good. "and on fifth place we have Zeronica." No surprise. He counted up all the teams, and left were now only team Nannie and team Jelice. Would Niall be able to beat Josh? Josh looked like a monster when he drank the drinks. He just took one after one and on the end he let out a huge burp. I'm glad I didn't stand in the middle of his breathing by that moment.

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