new instagram acc & update!

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UPDATE// as of 28/09/21,
changed the username from @soap.pdf to @wifidisconnectedgraphics !!

heyy, it's been a while huh? if you're still around after this long, wow

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heyy, it's been a while huh? if you're still around after this long, wow. that's incredible, thank you.

anyway, i am not coming back to wattpad unfortunately, i just think my activity would just eventually taper off like it always does lol until i'm largely inactive again. wattpad's always been the place where i got started with making covers and design and i will forever remember the people and experiences i've made/had on here.

as i'm getting closer to graduating high school (not really that far away lol), i've put a lot of thought into what i want to study and just what i want to do for the rest of my life. after much deliberation, i've decided to pursue graphic design/visual communications (which has been my dream job since i was like 12)

because of this, i'm going to be doing a lot more design work and tinkering around with photomanipulation, vector art and other stuff! i've decided Instagram is the best place to document and share this work

so if you're interested in keeping up with more of my work, please check out my Instagram design account: @soap.pdf (link will be in comments and external link)

zoe was always just a pen name for me (full pen name was zoe modjeska lmao) and as i hope to build my design account more beyond just a hobby thing, i've decided to use my real name which is sophie --> soapy --> soap haha

this will likely be my last update on wattpad so thank you guys for everything. i've had the best times on here, truly.



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