book covers & banners / -ohjojoba-

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↝ book cover & banners

date ; 24.03.18

for ; -ohjojoba-

expiration date ; 07.04.18

a/n ; ahh sorry some of these are a bit late, everything's out of whack because i've been so busy ahh

i only just realised that i can't take your orders for your graphic book and your portfolio, since i think the book cover should be a display of your own work? it's just my own opinion though, so feel free to request from other designers if you want!

it was really difficult to do the whole neon background but black & white model since it clashed but i tried to work around it. hope you like them!

(oh and i didnt use any PSDs for the two covers yey purely adjustments)

honestly i love both dua lipa and wonder woman so much ahh

honestly i love both dua lipa and wonder woman so much ahh

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