book cover / decorus

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↝ book cover

date ; 29th August 2017

for ; belladonnas-

expiration date ; 12th September

a/n ; can i just say i swear my body hates me

so i went back to school today and yay what a coincidence i have PE first period and then bloody AFL sport (aussie football) last period i hate changing i hate sports i especially hate sports first period in the motherfreaking morning i was actually fuming the whole morning gosh

then i was fine for the rest of the day, i suck at AFL but it went alright i didn't faceplant on the muddy ground so that's a plus

but then as soon as i got home - i kid you not - i freaking dropped on my bed and slept all the way to six pm and then didnt eat dinner since no appetite and i had a fever and everything and i felt absolute crap and now my mum (bless her) gave me a hot water bag while i freaking cram this english essay that is due in less than three hours all the while i'm feeling like i want to curl up in a hole and watch conspiracy videos

i just wanna go like

i just wanna go like

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yeh i'm ranting now goodbyee here's the cover which i made yesterday in some kind of half-dead inside state 

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yeh i'm ranting now goodbyee here's the cover which i made yesterday in some kind of half-dead inside state 

yeh i'm ranting now goodbyee here's the cover which i made yesterday in some kind of half-dead inside state 

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