ye it's me

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ok so i'm ditching my entire aesthetic theme™ for this but


i've been on an unannounced hiatus for like what three months?? i feel like such an asshole lmao

where should we start hm maybe why i took a 'holiday' (of sorts)??

i just kind of wanted a break from wattpad and stuff, you may or may not, whatever, noticed that prior to this hiatus i kept being inactive for like a week on end and coming back like

"hooohoo sry it's scHoOL work yeaaa so busy"

and making all these dumb ass excuses and i felt so bad doing that

obviously 10/10 reasoning that if i was being inactive for short periods of time, the solution is oBviously to be inactive for an even loNger period of time (i've stopped questioning my own logic at this point)

but yeah hopefully that's some kind of weak but sufficient explanation?

it's the holidays woohoo i really hope the holidays (christmas or whatever you may celebrate) have been great for you and 2019 is gonna be better (inevitably it'll turn to shit in a couple of months if im gonna be honest) but yeah

i really want to get started making graphics and stuff soon but i might not start taking requests yet since i want to get back in the loop of everything and i'm so rusty lmao

aLso those people who were on the queue with unfinished requests prior to my hiatus can still message me for pretty much anything (im so so sorry) like if you want a crappy cover from me, i so definitely owe it to you so just hmu with whatever

this is the last thing but i've been thinking i might want to start a rant book? honestly i'll prob gonna discontinue it after barely two months but yeah i've got some stuff i might want to say idk everythings a mess currently whoop

this chapter is chaotic but yeah i've missed you all a shit ton but hope you've had a great time, good luck for 2019 and have fun!

bliss bakery ; graphics.Where stories live. Discover now