book cover / psychedelic

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↝ book cover

date ;  31st August 2017

for ; _ColourfulShadows_

expiration date ; 14th September 2017 (my birthday coincidentally haha)

a/n ; wheee thanks for all the 'get well soon' messages! you're all honestly amazing and yay it worked, i'm feeling great today haha

this was super interesting to make, i had loads of fun. this is one of my first horror/mystery & thriller graphics so not too bad i guess lmao. invert is such a cool feature though, can we all agree on that?

 invert is such a cool feature though, can we all agree on that?

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↝ receipt

+ psychedelic ; book cover ; add this book to a public reading list, dedication and credit in story description

if you want the graphic/s, please complete the payment listed in the receipt first. once you have finished, PM ( private message ) me and i will provide you a link to the full version before the expiration date.

if you want some changes to the graphic/s, please inform me and i will redo it for a maximum number of two times.

if you do not want the graphic/s, i will not be offended. please inform me ASAP and i will put the graphic/s up as part of the buffet.

please also complete the survey to optimise your experience here. although it's completely optional, you will receive an extra meal free (excepting credit) which you can redeem at any time that the bakery is open. i will include the link in both the external link and the comment section and also in your inbox.

enjoy your meal at bliss bakery!

bliss bakery ; graphics.Where stories live. Discover now