Q&A answered / 700 followers

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i'm so surprised i got over 80 comments on the previous chapter with 'i-can't-be-bothered-to-count' questions like whaaa, thanks so much for all the early birthday wishes and questions though!!

this is published like one day late since i was rushing some last-minute maths homework and also i just finished eating my birthday cake, chocolate mousse mhmm it was heavenly

this is published like one day late since i was rushing some last-minute maths homework and also i just finished eating my birthday cake, chocolate mousse mhmm it was heavenly

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(yes my real first name is potato, i know, wow shocker)

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(yes my real first name is potato, i know, wow shocker)

but anYWAYS, here are all the questions!! take a seat and buckle up lmao

Who what inspired you to start graphic design? 

hmm, well i got the idea to start making covers quite a while ago (like december 2015?? wowzers) and let's say it was for a very very very selfish reason. back then, cover books were a new trend and though the covers were just super simple, they had like 70k reads and i was like yo maybe i might get 'famous' from making covers hah i'm still embarrassed about it

Who or what inspires most of your graphics?

too many people tbh but they include, and are certainly not limited to, -fadedlightsmisscaulfieldsenseikiwi-wildfiree and CaroDelMonte

What would ever make you stop graphic design?

oh my god i don't want to think about since i absolutely love graphic design but i'd say probably if i ran completely dry of inspiration and had no motivation to design any more. but truthfully, my life would be much duller without graphic design and all the support i've received doing it so thank YOU

bliss bakery ; graphics.Where stories live. Discover now