icon refund / ASTRIDANES

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date ; 161217


expiration date ; 301217

a/n ; ahh here's your refund! hopefully you like it and if you do, you can PM me for the link (just specify which number/s)

anyways, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS! i live in the southern hemisphere btw in case you're confused but i have the next six weeks all to myself before i go back to school. i'm thinking of hosting a contest, finishing off orders (I FEEL SO GUILTY IM SORRY), opening back up again, writing some more of THITW (if you even remember XD it's been so long) and first priority, organising my school stuff for next year and trying not to fail like i did this year

oh also i really want to revamp this book so maybeee keep an eye out(?) might be a while though lol

oh also i really want to revamp this book so maybeee keep an eye out(?) might be a while though lol

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to claim the graphic/s before the expiration date, please complete the payment listed in the receipt first, before PMing (private message) me for a link.

a maximum number of two changes are allowed. if you do not want the graphic/s, please inform me ASAP and i'll put it as the buffet.

enjoy your meal at bliss bakery!

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