/ update /

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i'm typing this at like 1am on my phone so sorry if the chapter looks messy or whatever shit i'm used to doing everything on my laptop lmao

okay so just a quick update on things i might delete this chapter later i really don't know half of what's happening in my life

school year started just recently for me and i've been trying to get my shit together and finish all my assignments and homework asap so that's why i've been a little m.i.a. recently

i've got a whole bunch of collab graphics that i haven't posted yet so i might do that soon-ish in a big chapter dump (maybe in ten years hOnestly)

i've also been working on some really overdue tips and tutorials over at recipe for disaster so if you wanna see a tutorial or even just a gif process of any specific graphic i've made, just ask and i'll work my magic c;

also also i've been thinking of starting low-commitment requests again? i kinda miss making covers for you guys it's been a good couple years now since i first started taking requests

but low-commitment basically means that you can shop-hop (like request from multiple designers at once for the same cover) AS LONG AS the other designers are cool and jazzy with it
and there's no payment or that sorta shizazz apart from the obvious credit (cover made by wonderful potat zoe) if you do use the cover
and also probably not guaranteed to be high priority and also not super complicated either (no extra oofy fancy manips that will make me become prematurely bald)

oh and last thing i'm also trying to start a rant/miscellaneous book and i made the cover and everything but i suck SO much at intros so might take a while but just a heads up

i think that's all, tell me what you guys think and  have fun kiddos, until next time

*tips fedora*

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