book cover / amortentia

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date ; 31.05.18

for ; -badasskitsune

expiration date ; 14.06.18

a/n ; hey, look, i'm not dead (well i am but only on the inside) but yeah, i'm really sorry for disappearing for days on end (sometimes for a whole week wow) but i'm on a semi-hiatus so i won't be *that* active

trying to work through the orders but here you go! i hope you like it!

i'm in love with warping the text and blurring it slightly to give it that smoky effect (though this one wasn't faded that much)

it's pretty different than my usual graphic since it's so bright with a pretty natural colour scheme that isn't that strong and in-your-face but i think it looks pretty cool!

and last thing but woah that face manipulation didnt turn out half-bad like i expected it to be, shelly hennig (the girl)'s body is actually hermione granger haha and i had to use the clone stamp tool in photoshop to cover the hair that poked out from underneath as well

the guy (nick robinson)'s body belongs to cedric diggory and that one wasn't nearly as difficult to manipulate as hermione and shelly haha

but overall, i think it looks alright and i'm pretty proud of the manip attempt whoop

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