illustrations / once upon a painting

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↝ illustrations

date ; 030118

purpose ; english school assignment

a/n ; woahh happy new years everybody! hopefully it's been great so far and will continue to be better than the hell that was 2017 sigh

though this is the first update of 2018, it's not the first graphic(s) since i made this a whilee ago while i was stressing with like 10 tests every week and 9 assignments due the next day honestly it was hell smh

but it paid off because i got all A's on my second semester report woot woot my parents were really happy about that lol but hopefully i dont flunk this year haha


so the english assignment was to work in groups of 6 and write and design a picture book that is a modern retelling of cinderella. basically this really smart girl in my group who is also one of my best friends came up with the idea of like 'egyptian orphan girl loves painting with loving adoptive mother but absolute shït stepsisters with a lil doggy for extra awws gets a painting set from said adoptive mother then enters a painting competition to win some money (they're living in poverty so) but then the stepsisters were all jelly and ripped the painting in half and then the doggy brought one half to the judge who loved it and went to find the artist of the other half' etc. etc.

we decided to kill off kind adoptive mother and considered killing off the lil doggy too but whatever

anyways i wrote like half of the story at first (since everybody was slacking off like ohh it's finee we still have three weeksss despite we need to write it, illustrate it, print it, get it binded, submit it, edit it, etc.) and then when everybody got their crap together like two days before the due date, it was absolute hell.

so i'm in charge of designing like two other girls in my group would draw the characters and background on paper and pencil, snap it and send to me. then i would make everything in proportion (since the art style was all anime style which was not tying into the whole egyptian setting), trace it, colour it in, merge the character illustration with the background, colour and trace the background too, add the text, print it out in colour, bind it and make it all look good together.

repeat 50 times for each page.

jk the page count was like 20 but the thing is

literally two days before it was due, THEN the two girls sent all the base traditional drawings in like a spam of text messages. but since it's so complicated i need to spend like 5 hours on each page alone and need a full day to print and bind it.

do the maths yourself

so i ended up pulling an all-nighter on the freaking weekend (ik im so lame) and didnt print or bind it but then on sunday night i went to sleep past midnight and woke up a four in the morning to go to school early to print it at the school library so i got less than four hours of sleep the whole weekend smh

but it turned out pretty alright here are the illustrations! i also put the before drawings too

(front cover)

(front cover)

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