icons / -bendingoverforsatan

583 77 45

↝ icon ice-cream

date ; 27th October 2017

for ; -bendingoverforsatan

expiration date ; 10th November 2017

a/n ; ahh i'm so sorry for the wait!! also you changed your username?? i just automatically changed the order details to the new user but if there's any problems with that, just tell me c: i legit just screenshotted all of these icons from the music video and then edited it ahaha so sorry if quality suckss ;-;

i'm making some new changes to this system as a point system and an expected delivery time (both of which were suggested to me via survey, you know who you are so thank you so much c;). i havent had the time to get around and actually start implementing them yet but they're gonna come hopefully soon!

i've also been flooded with GraphicSilly requests which are first-priority so i'll post a single chapter full of all the GS covers and graphics i've made here so you don't miss them c;

hope you like it! you can PM me for the link to a ZIP file (a single file which has every icon in it) or you can ask for all 9 separate links (which is easier to download for you but much harder for me to upload and it's slower for the both of us as well),

hope you like it! you can PM me for the link to a ZIP file (a single file which has every icon in it) or you can ask for all 9 separate links (which is easier to download for you but much harder for me to upload and it's slower for the both of us ...

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↝ receipt

+ -bendingoverforsatan ; icon ice-cream ; add this book to a public reading list and credit in biography

if you want the graphic/s, please complete the payment listed in the receipt first. once you have finished, PM ( private message ) me and i will provide you a link to the full version before the expiration date.

if you want some changes to the graphic/s, please inform me and i will redo it for a maximum number of two times.

if you do not want the graphic/s, i will not be offended. please inform me ASAP and i will put the graphic/s up as part of the buffet.

please also complete the survey to optimise your experience here. although it's completely optional, you will receive an extra meal free (excepting credit) which you can redeem at any time that the bakery is open. i will include the link in both the external link and the comment section and also in your inbox.

enjoy your meal at bliss bakery!

bliss bakery ; graphics.Where stories live. Discover now